Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Using Fantasies

Been awhile since you and your lover made love? Having trouble with orgasm, can't cum before he does? Tired of trying to sleep after you got all hot and bothered only to have 'him' cum first then be unable to bring you the rest of the way?

The solution is fantasies. YOUR fantasies!

You say you don't have fantasies? Try reading a a sexy story, like the ones on http://www.Samarelart.com/adultstories.htm

And you can add touching yourself to help your libido rise.

Why do all of this? Because you love your man? Because you really would like to expereince an orgasm? Because you know that the human body is made to thirve best when it is orgasmic?

Orgasms lower your stress level, your blood pressure, your frustrations! Orgasm is good for you! God made you to HAVE orgasms. God designed you to be your best when you are a sexual creature.

In fact, that is one of the things that make humans different from animals!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have but one comment...have lots of orgasms...they are a very good thing! Dar