Friday, June 24, 2005

About Dying. . . .

Thanks to all of you that have commented on my blog regarding religion and dying.

I have been urged to share with you what I learned on my own personal journey through death.

First: Obviously God sent me back.

Second: Even though the left-brain, self-described intelligentsia have no clue what they are saying, they continue to contend it was just someone’s dying brain in its last gasps that makes them think they saw God. Well, the only thing I can say to that is BULLSHIT! If that were true, then why do millions of people who have what the “brain-nerd’s” call a “Near Death Experience” have virtually the SAME “near death experience”, regardless of religion, age, sex? If what the “deniers” proclaim is true WERE true, why does it make no difference how long you were dead before you come back? Any person coming back will still have those nearly identical memories?

Third: God is neither a He nor a She. Sorry, but that’s the facts. Let me describe to you why I know that.

But first I will describe my own terminology about this. I am open to other terms if they better describe the things I have experienced.

In our present world, we perceive things in length, width, and height. We call those things 3 Dimensions, or 3D. The next dimension we live with every day, is Time. We can therefore call Time the 4th Dimension.

So what is the 5th Dimension?

I have taken the liberty of calling the spiritual world the 5th Dimension, or 5D. That is not a scientific term, but for our purposes it works.

So that would indicate that God, being spiritual, exists in the 5th D. Furthermore, our inner spirits exist in that same 5th D. They exist there because they are literally part of God. You can deny God, but that does not stop you from carrying a part of God inside you.

When that part of God inside you, called your Soul, departs your physical body, the body that exists in the first four dimensions, your body dies. There is an actual point of parting of the spirit, your soul, from your body at death. Literally, that is the exact point of death.

At that instant, even if you are in terrible pain, the pain stops. A sense of utter peace fills your consciousness. You may even find yourself “looking down” at your body and seeing what was going on around what is left of yourself, your earthly body. People often describe watching doctors around an operating table working frantically on their body on the operating table. People describe seeing their twisted body in a wrecked car, or floating in the water, or on a hospital bed with their wailing relatives hovering around the body they are leaving behind.

Obviously these memories are a part of the soul, not only the brain.

When your body and soul separate, your soul leaves behind the tyrannical rule of the 4 Dimensions. It is no longer constrained by gravity, it has no mass, it has no width, length, or height. It is unaware of time. It is in 5th D. No time! Just existence.

Then, as it peacefully, blissfully approaches God, it senses nothing but Love. Utter, unquestioning, non-judgmental, ever constant Love.

I have said to many of my friends, God is Love, . . . . and LOVE is GOD.

If indeed in this life, you do an act of love, you have spread a bit of God around, whether you were intending to or not.

So let’s discuss the argument about God’s gender.

Gender is solely for the purpose of procreation, i.e. SEX. Sex is for the single purpose of replacing the species. ALL of these are time based activities. In 5th D there IS no time. Therefore there is no need for gender. Your soul has no gender. Nor does God. God has no penis nor a vagina. Those are time based things. There is no time in God’s presence.

[The Bible says that ten thousand years is but the blink of an eye, right? That sounds like what I am saying!]

Please let me know if you want me to further amplify any of these thoughts.

I will continue my thoughts on this if you are all still interested.



Deni said...

Thanks for the encouragment! I will do as you request!

Anonymous said...

As Deni knows I experienced death, well close to it.

Short story is that I had a cardiac arrest at work, never saw it coming, never felt a thing and don't remember anything for 24 hours although I am told I gave 'em hell when I came around. My work mates gave me the "kiss" for 15 minutes before the medics shocked my heart back 3 times, I'm told i was really lucky, don't I know it!
I saw no lights or anything that others say happened, sad really but I don't think I need that to know/believe that there is a God and that there is a live after death.
End result was that there is nothing wrong with me! Just a bad message from the beain that sent my heart rate rocketing, noe I have my own defibrillator in my upper left chest, $50,000 worth of insurance if it happens again!
Makes you want to reconsider your life

Anonymous said...

I killed two younger brothers by accident nearly 20 years ago because of my depression and I have never forgiven myself for it. I want to kill myself badly but never have had the courage. I've come close. And it is so much of a burden that I can't bring myself to think of much else. That's what I know about death. That someday soon I will pay. I don't want to hurt anyone close but I must die. I just don't know how/when.