Monday, July 24, 2006

Details on the two soldiers that were murdered by Islamo-Fascists in Iraq

{This is the kind of thing that our biased media does not report. The soldiers think we know, but we have few ways to find out what really happened. So here it is, from a person in their company.}

The Silence Is Deafening

I am sure by now you have heard what happened to the brave American

soldiers that were ambushed and taken hostage recently just south of

Baghdad. These brave young men who volunteered to defend our country

were murdered, tortured and butchered in the most horrendous way imaginable.

Their eyes were gouged out, arms and legs broken, their private parts

cut off and shoved in their mouths and finally their hearts were cut out.

Where is the outrage? Where is the protest about their human rights

having been violated? Where is the ACLU? Shouldn't there be a

nationwide outrage at what was done to these brave young men? Shouldn't

there be, instead of talk about deadlines to withdraw, a renewed

nationwide effort to wipe out this vile, despicable, murderous evil

once and for all? Isn't it time that we let out all the stops and use

whatever method necessary to eliminate the bastards that did this once

and for all? Where is the media, from sea to shining sea, outrage at

this barbaric, cowardly atrocity? Shouldn't there be protests in every

American city calling for the heads of those responsible? Shouldn't

this act rally all Americans to unite and defeat this evil? The

attorneys concerned about the human rights of the prisoners at

Guantanamo Bay (suspected Al-Qaeda associates), now that brave American

soldiers have been murdered, where is their outrage? Why do they remain

silent? Are they more concerned about the rights of the enemy than they are our hometown


I am ashamed of what this country is becoming. The "Greatest

Generation", those who fought in World War Two and those who supported

their country in other ways during that time would never have sat

silently for such a barbaric act. Yet, I see no concerted effort to

encourage our government and our armed forces that we Americans support

any effort, any method, to catch and punish those responsible, and

those who support or aid those responsible. Why?

Isn't it time we, as a Nation, the Greatest, most powerful Nation on

Earth, stop allowing ourselves to be sucker punched and take it to

these murderous bastards in any way, shape or form that will get the

job done? Isn't it time we wipe off the face of the earth these Islamic

militants that have twisted their religion to allow the murder of

innocent men, women and children?

I, as an American citizen, encourage our government and our military to

use any method necessary to defeat once and for all this evil,

including the wholesale and widespread use of every weapon in our

arsenal. If you agree, please forward. If you don't agree, simply

delete, and you have my deepest sympathies.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deni, your brain is the most intriguing thing I have ever seen. Good post, sweetie!
