Monday, February 06, 2006

Is She or Isn’t She? Part Nineteen

Copyright Deni Wom 2004

“Bobbi, come, sit beside me honey.” Staci patted the bed beside her. Bobbi stepped hesitantly to her, then sat. Staci scooted her pelvis up to bobbi’s hips, then put her arms around him. Bobbi was still shaking from his brush with danger. His hand was still caressing his sore neck where Wendell had raised him off his feet and held him there while getting his attention.

“Bobbi, sweetheart, are you . . . . . are you OK? . . . . . . Honey, a lot of black men have had horrible experiences in their childhood that trigger by being called ‘boy’ baby. Best not to do that honey. Very derogatory term to them.”

“No shit!”

“Bobbi, that was not planned, I am sorry that happened. You OK?”

Bobbi was beginning to regain his sense of self propriety, now that Staci was again paying attention to him. “I’ll be OK Stace.”

Staci looked at bobbi’s eyes, fixating on his face as she said evenly, “Bobbi, I need to know by tomorrow morning if you will agree, …… and no backing out bobbi, ….. if you will agree to be the adoptive father of Wendell’s child, the child that may already be conceiving inside my womb.”

Staci continued, “Sweetheart, let me say it again. I love you Bobbi.” Staci let her declaration hang in the air for awhile. Finally she continued. “Bobbi, there are going to be some drastic changes in our life for the next year of so. I need you to keep a positive attitude as we go through them honey.”

Bobbi turned to look at Staci , his eyes mocking hers. He could not believe she was making such ‘understatements,’ and making such outrageous requests of him. What in the world kind of stupid shenanigan was she going to pull next?

“Bobbi. Ummmmm ………..Bobbi, …………” She was very close to tears. Her lower lip quivered as she struggled to tell Bobbi what she wanted to tell him.

Bobbi was having none of it. “What Stace? What? More watch me fuck this black friend of mine? Suck his cock more Bobbi? Or is it time for me to let him fuck my ass Staci? What, just tell me what, Staci, so you can tell me you love me and figure out a way to bamboozle me into it.” Bobbi’s anger was finally coming out. He was REALLY pissed now. His face was a mask of anger, at his life, at his marriage, at what his wife was doing to him.

“No Bobbi, I am dying.”

“Right Stace, and I am going to grow wings and fly.”

Staci burst into tears, sobbing her heart out. “No, bo…bobbi, I” sob, “ I ….” sob, “ I have cancer.” Staci collapsed into a pool of tears. Her body wracked in grief, not for her, but for her husband, her Bob, her soul mate, the man that she had loved more than life since she was in high school. “Sorry Bobbi, I am” sob, “so sorry, baby.”

1 comment:

Deni said...

Welcome back sir, and please continue enjoy Deni's story. Deni is still on vacation and I am posting for her while she is off having so much fun!
