Sunday, July 03, 2005

Translations gone afoul

Even the meanings of some words in English have changed since the King James Version of the Bible was translated.

Example: The word "prevent".

pre·vent (prĭ-vĕnt') v., -vent·ed, -vent·ing, -vents.
1) To keep from happening: [took steps to prevent the strike].
2) To keep (someone) from doing something; impede: [prevented us from winning].
3) Archaic. To anticipate or counter in advance.
4) Archaic. To come before; precede.

Note that the definitions in 3 and 4 above are the opposite of how we currently use the word. Now read the King James Version of the Bible and insert that definition. You will be amazed how that changes the meaning of the verse. Newer translations (the King James version was translated in 1611) have changed the translated word to "precede" as was orignally intended.


Anonymous said...

A better translation of the Torah, aka the Bible, is by a Biblical Scholar named Robert Alter. He has a wonderful translation called "the Five Books of Moses". The price is right too, about $40.00,

Deni said...

I will look into it, where is it published? Or at least available? Thanks for the info!