Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Seduction 29

Seduction 29

Each ring that is tattooed on my bum is smaller than the last one.  But I think each ring also gets thicker than the ones that are larger.  There are three rings total when the hard object that was inserted into my anus is removed. 
Something wet is salved onto the tattooed area. 
I hear Misty’s voice talking to the people gathered to watch my branding.  “Now we will put the actual brand on her right . . . here.”  I feel her finger lightly, ever so lightly, circling on my perineum. 
“This is what it will look like.”  I think I hear her hold up a piece of paper . . . I think. 
There are appreciative uoooohs and aaaaahs.
“But first we are going to pluck all of her pubic hair,” my Misty says.
I have heard a few of my friends tell me about having their pubic hair ripped off.  I feel my fear rise.  I whimper.
I hear laughter.  I feel embarrassment, but it doesn’t assuage my growing terror.  But I can’t move anything except my knees and elbows.  My feet and hands are tied securely.
“First we shall warm the skin around her cunt so that her hair follicles loosen up.”  A hot, wet cloth is placed on my bunny mound.  Another is placed there, on top of the first one, and then another is added.  The heat on my pudenda feels good.  Parts of the heated wet cloths also hang over my bum, where the bull’s eyes tattoo now resides.  The sensation is oddly comforting. 
Misty invites everyone to help with my plucking. 
I feel many hands fondling me.  They seem to have no restrictions as to where they fondle me.  Their featherlike touches tantalize me.
Someone pulls the hot clothes up a little while they admire my new bull’s eye.  There are murmurs of admiration, and caressing fondles of that area, even a finger that delves within my arse.  Something tells me it is a woman’s finger. 
After about five minutes, I feel tiny pinpricks as they begin to pluck each hair.  It almost feels like tiny hail hitting my skin.  I find it not the least bit unpleasant!
In fact, I find it quite stimulating.  As I visualize what is happening, I find myself getting more turned on.  So many fingers touching my bunny.  Hands caressing my titties.  Sometimes I even feel lips kissing me, a tongue parting my lips, lingual caresses, my nipples being pulled, rolled, flicked.
Someone is fiddling with my clittie.  It has to be a woman, they know exactly how to touch me.  I hear myself moaning.  I feel my hips undulating in search of further stimulation, moaning for penetration. 
Then it is over.  How could they pluck me so quickly?  Or did I just loose track of time.  I am so turned on that I fear I will explode in need.
“And now, the piece de ‘resistance!” Misty’s throaty voice promises.
Will I be able to hold back my orgasm?  I am so close.  Will I have the will power?
Andrea, my darling Andrea, chuckles.  “Our little toy is very close to cumming!  See how her hips are pulsing like that?  Oh, she is very turned on!  Shall we make her wait?  Or shall we make her cum so hard she squirts?  She’s a real squirter, you know?!”
I hear appreciative murmurs
A hand slaps my bunny so hard that I gasp, my tummy muscles curl upward, trying to protect my sensitive part.
My need to cum recedes slightly. 


Baskerville said...

There is actually an Asian pornstar who is very heavily tattooed who has a script branded around her anus. It reads " Jarrod's fuck doll." She is also a professional tattooer. Very original idea if wincing at the moment. What deviance is churning unceasingly in that mind of yours? Can't wait to find out next week!

Deni said...

I watched a porno a week or so ago where the female star had a nice bright red star centered on her anus. It was, of course, well used in the video . . .

Baskerville said...

Next heroine you tattoo, the location should be the labias. As long as we're talking where is the most absurd place to place a tat. Or maybe the clit. Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baskerville said...

Like fish. But people still say fishes! A microdot (like with intelligence material) tattoo with those words on the clit! Not the hood. But on the clit. That would be exquisite pain. Given your hedonistic nature your lover would have to be from another planet to not to get your drift.

Baskerville said...

I was thinking what if your lover was blind? Perhaps you should make it easy for him/her by braille-izing FUCK HOLE. Then it would be a secret just between you for no one would be the wiser. I'd love to be that tattooer. Admiring your smooth alabaster skin as you denude yourself. Your large clit winking at me. I would love that.

Deni said...

. . . could use b-bs for each braille dot . . .

Deni said...

My clitoral hood was removed several years ago . . . . as were my labia minora . . . . Just a clean smooth . . . um . . . gash

Baskerville said...

OMG!!!!! I hope it was your choice. How do you protect the clit? It must be both a blessing and a curse. After you said you had a hoodectomy, I googled that. All I have to say is you are a fascinating woman, indeed. I would love to see how you fire your axons in your brain. That would be truly a gift. Truly.

Deni said...

My clitoral hood was removed several years ago . . . . as were my labia minora . . . . Just a clean smooth . . . um . . . gash

baskerville said...

You'd think if you said some tantalizing kernel of Deni, hordes of people would be knocking down the door to engage you in conversations. I mean it's not like a labialectomy and hoodectomy are very common procedures. But alas even after all these months, it is still only me, baskerville jealously devouring every bit of anecdote, crumb, and scant bit of Deni that I can massage out of your gorgeous brain. Did you manage to get exactly the tattoo described in this conversation string or did you choose something else? Please??????????????? tell.

baskerville said...

On your 4/26/13 entry, "It just occurred t o me! The word Labia is both singular AND plural!" There is a plural word for labia and that would be labium

Deni said...

I love your comments!

I looked up labium and it refers tot he mouths of insects. You are right, labia is both singular and plural. Kind of cool, actually.

But no, I have not yet gotten my tattoo. I do love the idea though!


baskerville said...

Wouldn't you know it? I'm smarter than the average bear. So says YES!!!!! And the following: Ididn' (michelle obama said that).