Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Friday Lover

My Friday Lover

I sit, naked, legs folded under me, watching my Friday night lover as he sleeps. He got here late last night. He had to do a Good Friday service before he could come to see me. He is an incredible man. Kind, loving, forgiving, understanding . . . . I could go on and on.

We made love four times last night. Once after he got here, then again, twice, during the night, and again this morning. 

I think I can coax another one out of him before he has to leave, to go back across the pass to his loving flock.

He makes love to only me. I am his source of sanity in a world of holier than thou repressed churchgoers. He is their source of guidance, of advice, of inspiration, just as he is for me. But with me he can let his hair down, he can touch and kiss and make love with me until he is sated, drained, grinning in happy exhaustion.

His body is perfect. Not because he is skinny and has a six-pack, but because he loves to pleasure me with what he has. His member isn’t TOO long. I am only able to enjoy a man full depth of 8” or less. His is under 7”. Perfect!

He pays attention to my desires, my fantasies, my need to feel him explode within me. He works hard at learning the little things that turn me on so much. He remembers, from Friday to Friday, what I like and what I don’t like. He gets ‘better’ every week, every Friday night, our time of intimate caresses, of loving and giving to each other.

I take great pleasure from knowing that I am ‘enough’ for him.

It makes me proud to know that I am ‘enough’ for him. That my presence allows him to stay sane in a world of unwitting hypocrisy and deceit. That I can send him off, back to his world, knowing that he is sated; that he simply does not have any more essence left in him that seeks to be brought forth.

Mmmmm, he is stirring now. Time to coax one more from him, and in return to have ten or twelve myself. Giving by receiving. That is what every true love affair is about.

I feel my smile curving my mouth. “Morning, baby,” I mouth. His kind black eyes smile back at me. His arms reach for me, knowing what I want to do for him. Again.

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