Saturday, January 21, 2006

Movie Review: Stripper

1 is “Not Good!” and 10 is “Had It All”

Overall Rating: 4

Ratings for:
Dialogue: 8 (The editors were able to adequately encapsulate the feelings of the other strippers. The movie was enlightening, and if you read my story A Memorable Threesome Part Eight at , you will see that I understand the emotions that occur in a woman as they are on stage and surrounded with a throng of horny unabashedly gross men. I believe the girls when they talk about developing an addiction to stripping.)
Acting: 5 (Because this is a documentary, there was no “acting”)
Directing: 5 (Again, no directing, just shooting the footage, then trying to assemble it so that it carried the story line and told the story with finesse)
Scariness: 7 (Two of the girls died as a direct result of their stripping. One was a single mother, the other a happily married woman.)
Music: 5 (Stripping Music for the most part, during the on stage performances)

Ratio of bald men to men with hair: NA (Watched it off DVD at home)
Percentage Chic Flick: 8
Percentage Macho Flick: 1
Fairness in how men were portrayed: 7

Special Effects: 5 (Average, there were none that I saw)
How true to the book was it? (It was real, unvarnished life)
Reality Ratio: 8
Enthrallment: 5 (More like fear of getting trapped in that predicament)
Worth the price of admission? Rent the DVD. I love NetFlix!

Recommendation: Get a good education and keep your wits closely about you if you ever try stripping

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