Saturday, January 07, 2006

Movie Review: King Kong

1 is “Not Good!” and 10 is “Had It All”

Overall Rating: 7

Ratings for:
Dialogue: 7
Acting: 8
Directing: 9
Scariness: 6 (Lots of monster bugs and cannibals and stuff)
Music: 6

Ratio of bald men to men with hair: ~30% (normal)
Percentage Chic Flick: 3
Percentage Macho Flick: 8

Special Effects: 9 WOW!
How true to the book was it? Unknown or N/A
Reality Ratio: 2 (After all, this was total fantasy, not even Sci Fi
Enthrallment: 8 (Feels like you're there!)
Worth the price of admission? Yes

Recommendation: See it on the big screen if you can handle scary stuff fairly well. Seeing it on video will not do the movie justice. Sit near the front.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that if you have a "normal" bladder - you'd better have the path to the bathroom well memorized. This movie is 3 hours and 10 minutes or so long.

Great movie, though but I don't think it is going to be a moneymaker. For whatever reason it didn't pack them in. I saw it on the first day and although I know it was a 1:00 in the afternoon show, there were about 14 people in the theatre with us.