Sunday, April 02, 2006

Movie Review: Failure to Launch

1 is “Not Good!” and 10 is “Had It All”

Overall Rating: 7

Ratings for:
Dialogue: 8, believable
Acting: 7 Lots of angst to camoflauge the mediocre acting, especially Jennifer Anniston
Directing: 7, mostly watching the bodies and faces of all the delectable cast members
Scariness: 7 For a chick flick, there are some knee jerking surprises that startle you
Music: 6 A trip into the oldies

Ratio of bald men to men with hair: 2 to 10
Percentage Chic Flick: 7 Real naked buns to see!
Percentage Macho Flick: 7.5
Fairness in how men were portrayed: 4 But how women were portrayed wasn’t that much better

Special Effects: 6 Watch the closing credits though! The sail boat on the sea is a must to enjoy
How true to the book was it? Have not read the book, if there was one
Reality Ratio: 5 Lots of female/male/female manipulation
Enthrallment: 5
Worth the price of admission? Little screen would be fine except for the photography during the credits

Recommendation: Good date flick, it will give you somethings to chat about! Right Hugh?

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