Monday, July 18, 2005

Raising Children the Natural Way

First comes Dr. Spock, telling us not to spank our children. Then, later, the political correctness group starts beating us over the head with the idea that children should never have to learn things "the hard way."

“Protect their egos” we were manipulated into believing.

Don’t let them work until they are older. Not until their young personalities have been fully formed, formed believing that productive work is an unnecessary activity.

Don’t keep track of a children’s game score . . . . because it causes the less talented child to feel badly. For God’s sake!

Then the insurance companies got into the act. Line the kids up whenever they move around. Make sure no kid has any ability to express creativity. STAY IN LINE!

Thinking outside the box is severely punished, by mental abuse, not physical. Ostracism replaces physical punishment.

Did you know that at the age of five, ninety five percent of children are considered highly creative?

By the age of seven (two years in our conformist factories), that percentage has been reduced to under 50%.

By the tender young age of ten, we have trained all but 5% of our children to color inside the lines, conform no matter what, and be utterly ashamed of any thing that resembles creativity.

We remove anything from our playgrounds that could hurt our children, like swing-sets and merry-go-rounds. We don’t let them use any athletic equipment that could in any way injure them. We take dodge-ball out of our gymnasium programs. It goes on and on.

Well, go out in Mother Nature’s world. Watch how the animals (other than the human animal) learn! Survival of the fittest is Mother Nature’s way. Get slower than the wolves and you are food for them. Break a leg and the other rams will bludgeon you to death at worst, at best you will just never again mate with another female. Survival of the fittest. Cleansing of the gene pool. Mother Nature keeps herself fit and lean that way.

Now we human’s are certain we can thwart her. We think we can molly-coddle and protect and look out for our own, and not allow them to learn in Mother Nature’s tried and true way of teaching.

We thumb our noses at the very natural ways that our species arrived at where it was just 100 years ago.

Yeah, right! I shudder to think what will finally happen to us as we stray further and further from Mother Nature’s tried and true ways.

Our gene poll continues to permit, protect, and even assure survival of those Mother Nature, in her ultimate wisdom has clearly shown should not survive.

Do NOT misunderstand me. I am not “Pro” or “Anti” abortion. But by removing the natural results of the tragedy of unwanted pregnancy, we once again thumb our noses at Mother Nature.

At our distinct peril; the distinct peril to our whole species.


Anonymous said...

do by chance have children ?? just wondering..

Deni said...

Yes! I have two boys! Why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had two that! Dar

Anonymous said...

Maybe one should consider not having children. I love children but I fear what may become of them. Deni sure has revolutionary ideas but I think that these debates and ideas have been tossed about for many years.

To get a good return on your investment of children, one should ideally be the middleman between the child and the world. But the travesty of parenting today is that intentionally or unintentionally we confer more control and power to the bureaucrats and reserve less and less authority for ourselves. It is the Damocles of progress. We embrace the scientific, medical breakthroughs as it eases the daily grind of our lives but we pay in having less and less time, energy, and authority over our children and our lives.

I don't know why there can't be more adoptions too, though because the planet bears over 6 billion children. Just a thought.

Oh, well. I think that if we were deserted somewhere we couldn't live with nothing and having something in place of little or no real influence or authority over our children is a trade-off. Unless we quit our jobs and be full-time soccer moms.