Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I am SO TIRED of being lied to

I sometimes wonder just how incredibly stupid the news media thinks we are.

I remember a number of years ago, I attended a presentation by a candidate for county commissioner. The presentation was a long term plan for solving the traffic problems of my home town. And I was duly impressed by the ideas the candidate had.

The next day I read the article that the local paper had written regarding this meeting that I had attended. Then, on the editorial page the editor had written an editorial focusing on the meeting.

I read both, and I did not even recognize the meeting that I had attended! I heard with my own ears the ideas of this candidate. The resulting article was so terribly negative, utterly wrong, and outright misleading.

I have never taken that paper since.

[I did exact revenge for the personal attentions I got from that newspaper’s owner last year! Giggle]

Just a side note before I continue. GUESS WHAT WAS JUST COMPLETED TWO YEARS AGO! Yep! That wonderful plan that the candidate for county commissioner put forward! Yep! The newspaper was totally against it, until their main advertiser changed their mind, then they were suddenly for it.

And so it is with the lies we read daily in most of the media these days. They call it news, and print it in a “NEWSpaper”, but it is nothing more than their personal opinion!

And they don’t’ even have the guts to say so.

If you asked me if I were a republican or a democrat, I would say neither. I, like most of the people in this country, am a “middle of the roader.”

And maybe that is why I HATE the lies told daily, constantly, by the far wings of the right and the left.

Give me a break! I DO have intelligence. Treat me like I have a brain, and I will vote for you. But keep feeding me the lies most of you are feeding me now, and I will work my tail off to ruin your political ambitions.

Personally, the ONLY person in politics I admire most right now is Condoleezza Rice. She seems to me to tell us, and the world’s leader’s, the truth, unvarnished, direct, and it seems to me, honest! What a wonderful combination! She is a concert quality musician, highly intelligent, and ever so up-front. May she live a long, prosperous life, and stick around to lead us honorably for a long time!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It surprises me that you select Secretary Rice. I've surmised that you are not supportive of policies that opposes yours. I support Secretary Rice, too, but for totally different reasons. Possibly for the very reasons that you oppose the party that she supports and believes in. I mean there are so many other women of your political persuasion: Mrs. Albright, Sandra Day O'Connor, Geraldine Ferraro et cetera. I'm surprised by your choice.