Thursday, June 02, 2005

Riding the Tube of Electronic Probing

Have you had the experience of having an MRI? Have you ridden the tube and been probed with magnetism? Have you seen your head in slice of black and white cuts?

Well, I did today!

And they saw this "mass" inside my brain box.

So now another “expert” will wait until my scans are at the top of their stack, look at my medical probings for a few seconds, talk into a mic describing my infirmities. Then someone will type it up and send it to my doctor. My doctor will then call me and tell me I need to come back to his office again. May have to go through the weekend to find out if I am severely ill or just needing a good brain tweaking.

Stay tuned…………….


Mauser*Girl said...

The most fun I've ever had with MRIs was accompanying people to and from it. I had my ID badge on a lanyard, and when you stand close enough to the machine, the little clip on the badge will get attracted by the magnets, and the lanyard will stand at a 90 degree angle toward the MRI machine. ;)

Anonymous said...

watch yr head
it is yr best sex organ

Deni said...

That must be wierd seeing something on you be attracted to a stationary "thing" in the room!

Kind of like being attracted to a dildo or something? Giggle
