Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Whores Back Ride

My darling Lieza and I were supposed to go up to camp and be the camp whores starting today (Wednesday). We would have come back Sunday morning. There are about 21 men this year. 21 wonderful penises that need taking care of for four nights. And days. Truth be told, THEY took care of ME last year. And they took GOOD care of me!

Well, since I can't go due to my "problem" this year, Lieza gets them all to herself. Lieza is 25. Lieza works hard to keep that incredible body of hers perfect. The guys will go nuts, I have no doubt.

We both attended their annual dinner last winter. Lieza auditioned after dinner. We both had a great time. So did the guys.

So today Lieza took our trusty motorhome and headed for camp.

Damn I wish I was with her!


Deni said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...she will be a very busy gal. Next year you will get to go...Dar