Religion is now, unfortunately, controlled by politics. It has been so since the Catholic Church decided to wrest control of the European populace by force in the 14th and 15th centuries.
By their hideous actions, the Catholic Church again set itself up as “the Pharisees and Sadducees” that Jesus the Christ so scorned, and verbally chastised, in his day.
Shame on us for allowing “the church” to determine what sin is today.
If GOD did not say a particular act is a sin, why do we then allow the politically driven Churches of today to redefine what SIN is at their own intemperate whim?
Sunday, June 26, 2005
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Actually, religion has always played a part in politics. Often, rulers dictiated what religion the populous would have or if they were to even have a religion. Here in the states, we have had the freedom to worship or to not worship as we so choose. We have been very fortunate to not have a state religion forced on us. Where I live there is a multitude of churches, mosques, synogogues, temples, etc. within a
short distance from my house. I agree that the church...
or powerful men that were in the church at the time...did many wrongs...the cusades were a horrible time. What is sin evolves around a society. One can interpret the Bible to fit almost anything if one knows how to search and choose verses out of context. If you look at different cultures across the world, sin takes on new meanings and if you spread that further across time, it changes again. That's enough musings by......Dar
Right ON! Well said sweet and intelligent Dar.
I wish a few more intelligent folks would join in here...I love stuff like this.....stimulates my mind.....Dar
We need to keep in mind a number of factors regarding church and state, in the first place the Catholic church was adopted by the Roman state as the Empires religion for political reasons and became a combination of Christs teachings and other non-christian relegions, some of the terminoligy, holidays and celibrations stem from other groups and interests. My second point is that men and women in power are subjected to pressures and temptations that lead them to make decissions not based on Christs teachings, survival, position, self interest etc all are "mans" problems. To say we follow Christ but only in the areas we like makes it "mans" church not Christs. If I was looking today I'd go back to the basics but then the "church" has made some changes to the Bible! I think there are still a lot of great lesson for a full life to be found there. Hope I don't offend, heck if anyone reads this lol.
Love what you are doing darling ... Penny
Penny, you are so right on! Nicely said baby.
I don't think that politics controls the church. I think that the Church is a servant of politics working hand in glove to foster misanthropic, antiquarian ideas of notions of thought that were relevant many years past. The Church is not a progressive institution and we mustn't scowl at such anachronistic ideas because it is futile. The Church has an agenda. That is to help maintain the status quo. The Churches do not take to change well. The last few changes that the Catholics debated (Irish abortion rights, punishments for paedophilic pastors, and female members in the hierarchy et cetera) was fought for with tooth and nail).
What I find disturbing is the guise under which politicians co-opt religious ideals or lack thereof to pad their profiles and stances. Some of the firebrand politicos that berate people for the slightest deviation from true Christianity are the ones with the most skeletons to hide. So fuck them all.
I have to concur with "anonymous Dar" in that the State's imposition of peculiar ideas and digressive beliefs is so much more thorough and total as to seemingly blur the lines of separation. I abhor it.
But many people in other countries are ignorant of the menacing agendas of the mullahs, imams and other willful abusers of political power. It is a state within a state. Now that is more frightening than the pedantic, arcane debates of permitting abortions or placing women leaders in the hierarchy.
Before the heady nature of my comments get me lynched, I think it better to make your own choices about the mystery of God. It is amazing what damnable, intransigent, incorrigible, murderous acts have been committed in the name of God. A Being that no living human has ever survived to speak of or ever has been worthy of being in the presence of. Am I right, or am I right!!!
If the body imperfect was created by a Being who knew everything, with all its blemishes, spots and scars, was ours to determine how it would be used, then the natural inclination is to use it. For all of its qualities of brilliance, ingenuity, inquisitive, problem-solving skills should also be balanced with the equally significant qualties of the feeling, sensual, sexual, pleasurable sensations of the rest of the human body. For as we build we also destroy.
People like to point to the wonderous mysteries inherent in the hardly-explored gray-matter called a brain. We use the brain to build and destroy. We must see, as the human race the inherent beauty of the flesh embodied in its imperfect form. So, too, we use our sexuality and the pleasure derived from feeling, tasting and smelling it to reward and deprive/deny. The High Being knew this penchant for humans to explore and so the preserve of exploration is not limited to the physical environment but to our own exploration of the body imperfect
On another note related to this string, I wonder what Deni et al's opinions are on INTELLIGENT DESIGN. A debate raging partcularly in the US claimed by some that human evolution is not based on Charles Darwins' ideas but that human evolution is directly attributed to an alien civilization gifting the human race with the capacity to think complex things and grow to master our environment.
Consideration II: What say Deni et al about some claims that genetic evolution did not impact human development at all because there are not enough years/eons that separate us from the highly intelligent creatures we are today from the savanas of Africa, where our ancestors were mere arboreal creatures?
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