Tuesday, September 15, 2009

GE and its current political chauvinism

I watched the first episode of Jay Leno's new show last night. Looks like GE has his jokes tightly under scrutiny and censorship. Nothing anti current administration. I suspect that is what got him thrown out last year. I had suspected that because he, like most humorists, was commenting nightly about Obama's antics, just like he had with all the other presidents.

I noticed that Jay's face showed a lot of stress last night, unlike his previous show where he seemed mighty jovial.

My refrigerator was not cooling properly last week, so I had a repairman come in and fix it (Defrosting computer board thingy had gone out). He told me that GE's appliances are now so bad that he refuses to even repair them for people because they go bad again and then the people call and accuse him of not doing his work right. So he just stopped fixing them.

Wonder how many billion GE gets from the current Administration to be so chauvinistic? Is it only in the government contracts they seem to get an inordinate share of? Or is there more there? Clearly there is something going on there that does not feel kosher to me.

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