Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blinders vs peripheral vision

Well, lets see, I have been doing a crash course on politics with Dok as we bone
up on the last fifty years.

A couple of things that are conveniently missing from much of the political discussion these days:

!) When Reagan took office, we had 21% interest rates, inflation approaching
hyper inflation, and deficits up the ying yang (yeah, the Carter years. The
guy that actually was such a poor president that the Muslims that had kidnapped
our people actually refused to work with the idiot, instead waiting until Reagan
had been sworn in to release them an hour later). Reagan then, after doing what
he did, some good, some bad, passed onto the next administration an economy that
allowed Clinton to reduce the deficits and even to be able to project a balanced
budget. Thanks to the republican congress at the time, he was held to a lower
spending level than he had proposed. Then the idiot Republicans started
spending like drunken sailors and f**ed it all up.

!) Clinton cut the defense budget so drastically that we ended up with 9-11.
Yeah, that was Clinton's fault. And much of what he cut to arrive at his
balanced budget, definitely a worthy goal, was defense. I agree that Bush
made the blithe assumption that we were OK. But the cost of recovery from that
brutal attack was horrendous! People forget to mention that little blip in our
history. And of course the Republican congress was still spending like drunken
sailors, which screwed it all up again, even worse.

!) And now we have an all Democratic cabal in the Washington DC rarified
atmosphere which seems to rob anyone that goes there of any common sense, and
now we have projected deficits that will dwarf by a double order of magnitude ALL
of the combined deficits up until now.

!) About Medicare, but if you hear someone saying
that it works, they are wrong! And look at the Vets care situation! For god's
sake, we have to stop thinking that those that are hired as the least qualified and at the
highest rate possible, and then not held accountable in any way (they are called
government bureaucrats, notice no party affiliation assigned) can actually
accomplish anything of brilliant significance, you are smoking that weed stuff.
One sixth of the US economy is not something to be trifled with and experimented
on. The medical care situation in this country needs changes, but the changes
proposed are not the total solution, and certainly not the place to start.
Putting a severe leash on medical malpractice lawsuits, then stopping the
constant "cover my ass" testing that doctors are doing to cover their asses from
malpractice liability,and recognizing that we can't continue to afford to spend
80% of our freaking medical dollars on people so the elderly can live a few more MONTHS has to
stop. I am currently involved in the care of elderly people. What I see being
spent on them just for medicines is insane! Most of them are on 8 or more meds
(some as many as 20)! Many of the meds fight the other meds they are on! This
is idiocy! And these meds for the most part are simply to mask symptoms, not to
solve problems. Are we nuts?

!) Fact! You can buy the same US$140 dollar a month medicine in Mexico for only ten
bucks or less! Obviously that is the true cost of the meds! Stop the
insanity and the pillow cushioning of the US pharmaceutical industry!

OK, I feel better now. All I am saying is lets blame EVERYBODY that is doing
things wrong, not limit the finger pointing to the parties that we do not belong
to. That mindless scapegoatism solves nothing. Lets work on the real problems,
like the corruption and graft that controls this country (or is that 'cuntry'?).


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