Agent 008 ~~~~~ First Real Info Copyright Deni Wom 2007
“So what was so damned important I had to cancel on my wife’s birthday party, damn it?” The director was pissed.
Agent Kid didn’t even bat an eye at his director’s temper tantrum. “We have a new lead on that agent I told you about.”
The Director was suddenly all ears. “Well?”
“We believe, now, after seven hundred and forty seven therapy sessions with seven hundred and forty seven separate agents that the agent in question is Mossad, a Metsada operative, and female. We believe this agent, which I have dubbed Agent 008, has killed or compromised over one thousand agents worldwide, has better skills than any agent we have come up against so far, bar NONE, and is now in the US with orders to kill or compromise the Russian Ambassador. That enough to salve your guilty conscience Director?” Agent Kid leaned back in his chair, his eyes glued to the far corner of the ceiling.
The Director knew that meant only one thing: that Agent Kid had more info to tell. “AND? Stop the damn dramatics Kid and spill your info or let me go.”
Agent Kid got that damned sardonic look on his face and leaned forward again. “She is apparently beautiful, blonde, full figured, and is pissing good at hypnosis. She is skilled in at LEAST fifteen different martial art forms, including Tuite, which seems to be her favorite. She has, in the past, as near as we can nail down, hypnotized her targets, told them to forget what they had done with her in the last how ever long she had been around them, erased their memories so to speak, and then implanted some sort of monitoring device on them.”
“Anything else?”
Agent Kid chuckled. “We got lucky. That agent that was found wandering around nude in the desert? He was sent to an in-house therapist for eval, and the therapist, on a whim, put him under. Imagine the surprised look on the therapist’s face when he heard how the Mossad agent had worked this poor guy over!”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“According to the compromised agent’s memory under hypnosis, she fucked him silly, for some reason stuck her fingers clear up his ass, hypnotized him to forget everything, and then set him free!”
There was a knock on the door. The Director yelled “Come in!”
A worried looking man sidled into the room, whispered something into Agent Kid’s ear, then left as quickly as possible without waiting for an answer.
“SHIT!” Agent Kid was clearly upset.
“What now?!” The Director did not like the way this was going. Suddenly both his and Agent Kid’s beepers went off. The director got up and went to his desk, punched in two numbers and said “Yes?”
His face went ashen.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ Stealthy Encounter
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
“Hi honey.” Her tone was cool. After all, her husband HAD departed in the middle of her birthday party!
There were only a few dozen of her party guests left at their large sumptuous residence. The Director of the CIA made his obligatory rounds expressing his apologies for having to leave the festivities earlier. As expected, Director Kevin Kaylor knew all of the high profile guests, until he turned the corner and came face to face with the most beautiful face he had ever seen. His observant eyes automatically scanned her toned perfect body even as he smiled in greeting.
The woman chuckled as her dancing light grey eyes watched his eyes sizing her body up. “So you like what you see, do you?” She chuckled again, a deep throaty, sensuous promise. Her eyes were aloof, but the depths of the sorrow in her eyes arrested his normal, candid appraisal. He stood there dumbfounded, staring into her eyes. Suddenly he remembered his manners and introduced himself
“I am Tona. I am pleased to meet you.” Her hand shake was firm. Always gathering data on people he met, the Director thought he detected a slight Russian accent behind her seemingly fluent English.
“Are you from Russia then Tona?” he asked, unafraid to press his obvious advantage due to his position. The fact that her nipples had hardened slightly under his gaze did not escape his notice.
“I come from Georgia, Mr. Kaylor. You are most observant. Is my accent so noticeable then?” Her face seemed to take on a portion of the sadness that had riveted his attention to her eyes.
“No, goodness no! Your English is excellent, Tona! Please call me Kevin, by the way.” The Director put on his most engaging smile. “How did you come to know my wife, Tona?”
“Your lovely wife invited me when she saw me at the gym today. We worked out together. Your wife is in excellent shape.”
The Director wanted to say the same about Tona. His eyes again caressed her body as he tried hard not to focus in her protruding nipples.
“You seem to have caused those naughty nubbins to express their excitement, Kevin!”
“What? Oh . . . . ah . . . yes, . . . . oh goodness, . . . . I apologize for being rude. Please forgive me!” The Director’s face was crimson.
Tona giggled alluringly, her self-assured smile taking on a slight insinuation of the coquette. She then nodded to him, as if to dismiss him, to announce that she would continue on from whence she came. As she passed him, her soft hand cupped his package under his Brooks Brothers suit, patting it affectionately, and then releasing him. Her intimate hint of perfume took the Director’s breath away.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ Taking a Bath
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The Director’s wife’s 55th birthday had finally wound down. The Director hoped it went well enough for her that he would finally get lucky tonight.
All the guests were gone now. The large mansion on the outskirts of Washington DC was finally empty, save for the Director, his charming wife, and their lovely guest Tona. Oddly enough, Tona did not seem to be getting ready to leave. The Director, suspicious by nature, began to speculate, sensing that something was not quite right here.
As he was formulating his several hypotheses as to what might be nefarious activity was occurring, the Director was surprised to see Tona tenderly take his wife’s, Madi’s, hand and guide her toward the hallway which lead to their sumptuous master bedroom suite.
Tona lovingly placed her hand on Madi’s lower back as she turned her head to address the Director. “Are you coming to play with my naughty nubbins, dear Kevin?” Her radiant coquettish smile caused the Director’s manhood to surge in anticipation of the narcissistic possibilities. But with his wife there? Something was definitely a kilter!
The two women continued down the hallway out of the Director’s line of sight. Was it just his imagination, of did he actually hear a sound evocative of two people kissing drift back around the corner to his prickling ears? Then he heard his wife’s distinct moan of soft pleasure.
By the time the Director reached the hallway, the women were in the bedroom suite. And by the time he breached the bedroom doorway in his fetid rush, the women were already in the bathroom, just closing the door. As it shut, he skidded to a halt in front of it, not certain whether he should demand admittance to their now private sanctuary, or simply wait until they opened the door on their own.
The sounds of the bath faucet, or shower water, hissed at him from behind the paneled door. He could soon smell the soft sensuous fragrances of a woman in her bath wafting under the door.
As he paced back and forth on the thick light gray carpet of their bedroom, wondering what that woman was doing to, or with, his wife, his penis swelled to torturing imprisoned firmness. The Director grew more and more antsy. He was not by nature a patient man.
Finally, unable to tolerate the fretful misery of the imposed wait, he knocked viciously on the rich polished wood of the arch-topped door. The heavy door swung slowly open as he knocked on it, revealing the two women locked in a passionate embrace next to the large antique claw-foot bathtub, their tongues tenderly stimulating each other’s trembling lips, their hands caressing each other softly, tenderly, lovingly.
The Director stood there, his mouth hanging open, his cock a tented cramped bulge in his Brooks Brothers slacks.
His wife looked at him, smiling angelically. “Close the door darling, you are making it drafty in here!” she said softly, reprovingly. She giggled, then added, “Tona is going to pluck your wife’s little birthday pussy baby! Do you want to watch her touching me, plucking my pubic hairs to make me pretty down there?” She turned sideways just long enough to show her husband her untouched, full thicket of tangled curls.
The Director’s wife then returned to passionately kissing their delectable shapely guest, her hips pressed against their guests, grinding slightly to gain additional prurient contact.
Tona’s hands slipped erotically, delicately up the Director’s wife’s sides and began fondling her round firm, though somewhat aged, breasts.
The Director could not believe his eyes! His wife had NEVER before, in their thirty some years of marriage, given ANY indication that this sort of . . . . . . .activity . . . . . . . was even on her mind! And for god’s SAKE, here she was, right in front of her own husband, who just HAPPENED to be the director of the CIA, acting like a damn horny slut! What the hell was going on here?
The CIA Director’s frustrated cock was harder than a ten-million dollar diamond! His blood pressure was off the chart! He could barely breathe as his eyes watched the women seducing each other. His WIFE seducing, or being seduced, by an absolute vision of stunning sexuality!
For some reason the Director could not make his mouth speak in protest of his wife’s inexplicable and seemingly irrational actions. He simply stood there, open mouthed, and watched the two women finish undressing each other, lovingly kissing each other’s bodies as they slowly, erotically exposed each other right in front of his fascinated eyes.
Tona lowered her hand from Madi’s breast, disengaging her fingers from her inflamed nipple, and shut off the spicket for the bath water. She then gently and lovingly assisted the director’s wife into the bubbly hot bath water.
“Just relax and soak for a few moments while your skin loosens around your follicles, sweetheart.” Tona turned her head toward the Director and suggested that he fetch them some wine, and that . . . . on the way back, . . . . he divest himself of his imprisoning suit and underwear.
Madi looked up at her husband and giggled. “Yea honey, bring back your naked little butt and penis all wiggly while you walk!” They both giggled at him as they looked back at each other with adoring eyes.
When the Director got back to the bathroom, carrying three flutes and a bottle of expensive and rare bubbly, he was rooted to the doorway when he saw Tona with her hand in the soapy water, obviously toying with his wife’s pussy. His wife’s head was back, her mouth open, in rising delight.
Unable to move, he stood here and watched as Tona’s hand pulsed forward and back, obviously fingering Madi’s vaginal area, maybe even entering her. As he watched, his wife raised her hips above the water, offering her body to Tona’s expert touchings. The Director’s wife moaned a low guttural encouragement to her temptress.
The director watching as this woman he barely knew finger fucked in and out of his wife’s randy widely-opened cunt lips.
“Look what she is doing to your wife, honey! Bring that little hard cock of yours over here and watch, come over here and look closely at what she is doing to me, baby!” The Director’s wife was obviously enjoying this, her bawdy fornication.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ Plucky Little Miss
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The Director walked slowly, hesitantly over to stand beside the bath tub where his wife’s mature body was being pleasured by a stranger, a beautiful woman at that. The Director, the head of intelligence and information gathering in the civilized world, had no clue that his wife was even into this sort of thing. He was both aghast and intrigued. His cock was rock hard. His heart was fearful. The fear was new to him. As the leader of the most powerful intelligence entity in the world, he was used to being in control. Suddenly, here at home, with his own wife, he was NOT in control!
Tona glanced up at his mesmerized face. “I need you to hold this over your wife’s shy little clit for me. Put your two fingers inside her like this . . . . and hold this coin under your thumb so I can pluck her pussy. She wants to have a racy bald pussy, not this tangled thicket.”
She appeared to be concentrating fiercely on only what she was doing with her hands.
The Director stood there for a few seconds, not certain what he should do. If he DID as the woman said, he was admitting he wasn’t in control in his own house. If he DIDN’T do what she said, he ran the risk of not experiencing what his wife obviously wanted to happen.
His wife’s voice clenched it. “Damn it Kevin, get down here and hold my pussy like she told you to!”
Taken aback, the Director knelt and inserted his first two fingers into his wife’s pussy opening. The beautiful Tona placed a silver dollar on his wife’s pussy, centered on her clittie. The Director lowered his thumb down onto the coin.
His wife whimpered softly. He could hear her muttering “Ooooooooooooo god yes. Oh god, oooooooooooooo yessssssssssssssssssssssssss!”
Tona caressed Madi’s punani as she looked deep into the Directors eyes. “Ready honey?”
The Director’s wife’s head nodded vigorously.
The Director nodded as well.
Tona began to pluck Madi’s pussy hairs one at a time.
The Director looked at his wife’s radiant eager face, expecting to see her grimacing in pain. Instead he saw she was getting more and more turned on. Her face was aglow with lust, her pretty mouth formed into an ‘O’ of ecstasy. “Doesn’t that hurt?” the director asked.
His wife didn’t answer right away. Finally she said “No baby, it’s the most erotic sensation I have ever felt! I am going to cum if I’m not careful!”
The Director could not believe his ears! His wife had not had an orgasm in years, . . . . . that he knew of . . . and here she was letting another woman, a stranger, pluck her cunt and telling him she was about to cum?
The Director almost said something snide, then caught himself just in time. He looked again at what his fingers and thumb were doing, holding his wife’s cunt so a strange woman could pluck it bare. Well, bare except where his thumb was holding a silver dollar. Looking more closely he saw that it was 1878 Morgan silver dollar in excellent shape. The coin must be worth a fortune he realized.
Still working steadily, the beautiful blonde stranger spoke softly. “Madi, until I snap my fingers, you will hear only sentences I start with your name, Madi, understand?”
Madi, her voice seemingly muted, answered “Yes Tona”.
Tona looked at the Director briefly, then back down at her handiwork. “As for you, mister Director of the CIA, you will not allow any of your country’s agents, including police nor customs’ agents, to be within two miles of the Qatar aircraft repair terminal on April 17th between the hours of 9 PM Eastern time and 2 AM eastern time. Do you understand your orders?”
The Director looked at the insolent woman plucking his wife and sarcastically asked, “And why might I be cooperating with you? Who do you work for and what is being brought into my country that I am specifically allowing to enter?”
The woman chuckled. “We are going to STOP it from entering. In fact, we’re taking it back out of your precious country and transporting it back to Israel to serve both of our countries interests!”
The words clicked in the Director’s mind. “Aha! I understand now. I shall make it so!”
Tona chuckled over the Director’s choice of phrases. The Star Trek reference was most amusing, but she let it go. Instead she confided “You will be most pleased by our chosen target!”
“Yes, I believe we will!”
The Director’s wife began to cum in long waves of keening convulsing ecstasy. Tona was only half done with her chore.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ i
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
A satisfied Tona left the house early that morning, after a few hours of enjoying the favors of both the Director and his wife.. The stars were twinkling brightly as she pressed the ‘open’ button for her sunroof. After a few brief seconds for her automatic comsat link to orient itself, she then pressed a button on her very normal looking cell phone and a one millionth of a second laser micro burst shot into the heavens. Without emotion she closed the sun roof and started her sexy little red sports car.
She drove for precisely twenty minutes, then again stopped along the curb. Again she opened her sun roof and waited for her cell phone to beep. When it did, she re-closed her sun roof of her Porsche Boxster and drove to the local freight airport.
The Director and his wife stretched luxuriously as they awakened to a sun drenched room the next morning. They both felt rather sexy, and particularly horny. As he kissed his wife, her stealthy caressing hand slid slowly to his eager groin.
Suddenly she yanked back the covers and sat up, her surprised face turned toward his crotch. “What in the world?” She started laughing. “Look at your crotch! When did you do this bit of tom-foolery, Kevin? What in the world were you thinking? What are you going to do at the gym when all the guys see you naked?”
The Director looked down to see a half inch wide circle of hair around his penis, but the rest of his pubic hair had been removed from his belly and his balls. “What the fuck!” he yelped.
Madi got up, still chuckling. She padded into their master bathroom and squatted. When she had completed her morning chore, she stood, glancing in the mirror at her body, pleased with her toned and fit appearance . . . . . until she saw the little “i” that was her pubic hair! It looked just like her husband’s except his had his damn dick sprouting out the middle of the dot of the ‘i’.
Madi screamed. “Damn it Kevin, YOU did this didn’t you? You SHIT!”
The Director sprinted into the bathroom to see what his wife was referring to. His heart sank when he saw her pruned and perfectly spruced pubis.
SOMEthing was definitely wrong here. He began to worry about just exactly what that ‘SOMEthing’ was.
Twenty three days later, CIA satellites picked up a nuclear plume over the site they had begun to suspect held the nuclear materials generation facility for the Theocracy of Iran.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ interrogation
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The interrogator leaned forward menacingly. “Is it then your testimony that you did these things, but don’t remember doing them?”
The Director nodded meekly. He was not used to being mauled like this.
Again the insistent disbelieving voice. “You said you felt a vague sense of deja vu when you heard the news of the nuclear plume. Tell me again what you mean by this!”
“I mean that it did not feel unexpected. It was like I somehow knew it would happen. Jees! Can we move ON?”
“Not until we can nail down how you might have known that this would transpire, Director. Now lets go back to . . . .”
The voices drilled on and on until the Director had had way too much.
The door to the well appointed conference room opened and the President walked in, her hair a bit tousled, her face tired from being woken at 2 o’clock in the morning.
“What is this about?” she asked without preamble.
The Director leaned forward and began his briefing for the President. “We believe that we have a nuclear bomb loose in the United States. We believe it came across the border from Mexico last week. We believe that it is of North Korean manufacture. We believe it is of low yield, but very dirty. Our agents have not been able to pick up its trail since it arrived. Certainty that it is in the US as of this date is 64.5 percent.”
“Where did this intel come from?” asked the President.
“Mossad. From an agent that has almost become our soul intelligence source from the Israelis.”
The President sat back in her overstuffed chair, tenting her finger tips as she looked at the far right corner of the ornate ceiling. She then sat forward, fixing her eyes on the Director. “Contact Mossad. Do it now. Find me this contact person and bring her to me.”
The President stood and walked out, heading back to bed. She was gone before the men could stand to acknowledge her leaving.
Madi was still pissed. “Damn it Kevin, look at me! Why in the world did you do this to me?” She was again standing in front of the mirror looking at her little ‘i’ that dotted her cleft.
“Madi, damn it honey, I did no such thing! You know as well as I do that we were both duped, and the agent had her way with us. Now please let’s not even talk about this again. It was embarrassing enough having my crotch photographed and having the pictures shown to every one at the agency. YOU better just hope they won’t come here and want to take your photos, honey!” Kevin winced, he knew instantly he had just said the wrong thing to his wife.
She spluttered “WHAT? They might come here and take pictures of my . . . . . .Damn it Kevin, don’t you dare let them come take pictures of my . . . . . !”
Kevin was almost asleep when he felt his wife’s hand slide over his hip and descend toward his member. It was always a welcome event, even if it was occurring less and less as time went on.
His wife pulled his hip toward her. Kevin helped her efforts by turning onto his back. When his wife’s mouth voraciously devoured his still rising penis, he knew SOMEthing had turned her on.
Her hungry mouth was taking all of him for the first time that he could ever remember. His wife was truly on fire tonight! He felt his cock begin to pulse and swell even more.
“Oh god baby, ya’ll are so hard tonight! I love it when ya’ll are really hard!” She moaned as she rode him harder and harder, her tits beginning to slap together. Her pussy lips were riding his cock shaft like a steam locomotive on a steel rail.
The Director happily went with the flow, savoring the scent of her arousal, enjoying her slick wetness sliding back and forth on his shaft as she rode him. Her breasts were wobbling erotically in her overwrought randy horizontal humpings of her husbands steely shaft.
Suddenly, needing penetration in the worst way, she reached down and raised his spear impaling her wetness on his helmeted soldier, groaning in ecstasy as she took him as deep as he could go.
‘God she is wet!’ he thought. Her body began to shimmer in an unexplained shimmy of deliverance. ‘She has never come that fast!’ he mused, trying hard to last long enough.
Her pussy began to clench as she rode him. It was too much. The Director bucked his hips against his wife’s snuggling randiness as he spewed forth his little white children into her sodden playground.
The Director was almost asleep when it hit him. His normally staid, placid wife had gotten so turned on tonight because he had mentioned that the staff might come take pictures of her naked crotch! He grinned widely at this useful knowledge. He intended to take advantage of his new found understanding of his Southern Belle wife. Paybacks could sometimes be a bitch!
Agent 008 ~~~~~ The Bad News
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The Director was sitting alongside the Secretary of State. The FBI leaned over and asked “Did you notice what I noticed?”
“Damn straight I did. How the hell did the President know the Mossad agent was a female? Makes me wonder if she isn’t compromised as well.”
Just then the door opened. The two men leapt to their feet.
“Please sit gentlemen!” The President stepped in behind her desk and sat down. She steepled her fingers and stared at the men. “Well, where is she?”
The Secretary of State jumped into the conversation first. “We can’t find her, Madam President. We have tried all of our previous avenues and have had no results.”
The Director of the CIA added, “We have notified all of the proper people that we need her to get ahold of us. She has a special code word she uses when she contacts us. Madam President, it would not surprise us one bit, given her past methods, that she would call you direct. Please let the switch board know that if a female calls and gives the proper code word, they should get her connected with us as quickly as possible.”
“And what is the code word, Kevin?”
The Director blushed uncontrollably. “P-Pussy.” he finally stammered.
“P-Pussy?” she repeated, totally surprised.
The Secretary of State could not help but guffaw. His outburst caused him to also blush bright red. “Sorry.”
Just then the President’s red desk phone rang. Her slim hand snatched up the handset in the blink of an eye. She said nothing, simply listening for a few seconds. She murmured “Put her on.” She stabbed the speaker button and said “Yes?”
A heavily accented Yiddish voice asked “Are ve secure?”
The President answered crisply, “This is the President, and yes, we are secure. You are on speaker phone. I have present the Secretary of State and the Director of the CIA.”
Her voice was load and clear. “P-Pussy” came softly through the speaker phone.
Rather than feeling like chuckling, the hair stood up on the back of their collective necks.
“Nort 40 degrees, 44 meenutes, 55.49 seconds; vest 73 degrees 59 meenutes, 8.3 seconds at an elewation of 407.015 mayterrrrssss.”
The Director had a gut wrenching feeling that he knew exactly where the bomb was at that exact very second: downtown New York City, near the top floor of a very tall building, giving the bombs blast range the ability to obliterate for a thousand years the whole down town core of Manhattan! He knew also that the bomb’s EMP would destroy all electronics and computers for over three hundred miles in all directions.
“You have two hoursss, sewen meenutessss. May Gohd have mahrsssy.”
The phone line went dead.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ In Time?
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
“The Empire State Building, either the ninety seventh floor or the one hundredth floor, depending on whether OO8 is including the base height of the building above sea level. And, also, of course, that she is right.” Agent Kid was, as usual, droll, as though nothing fazed him.
The Director had moisture on his brow, his armpits awash in sweat. A dirty nuke was set to go off in less than two hours, in the middle of Borough of Manhattan, New York, and this asshole agent was cracking jokes!
“Blast area will eliminate the stock exchanges, most of downtown New York, and all of the international banks US based home banks. EMP range is unknown, but could reach from Maine to Virginia, including the Washington DC area. Are the President, the members of the House and Senate underground yet?” It was the blonde in the office speaking this time, Agent Smith. “Estimated loss of life, during the initial blast is currently estimated at 1.6 million people, and seven trillion dollars in property losses.”
The Director asked “Are we going to announce this to the public, and incur a total melt down of traffic? OR are we going to try our damnedest to get the nuke disarmed, and if it goes off, we simply take the consequences? Discussion!”
Agent Smith had already thought it through. “If we announce, and we are able to disarm, we encourage a massive traffic snarl with a high probability of deaths and property losses. No one can make it far enough to not suffer death or radiation burns anyway. I say do NOT announce.”
Agent Kid thought for a few seconds, then agreed. “She’s right. It buys them hope when they have none. Either way they die or suffer.” He looked at the clock. “What does the President say?”
A disembodied voice announced “One Hour, fifty minutes till detonation.”
“GOD that is creepy!” shuddered Agent Smith.
The phone rang shrilly. The Director snapped it up. He mumbled a few mm-hmmms and then slammed the receiver down. “No luck so far. Seventeen rental leases in the last two years on those two floors. The building is being evacuated as quickly as the elevators will run. Both stairwells are plugged with falling injuries.”
“God help us all!” Agent Smith’s lower lip was trembling.
The Director straightened up and announced, “Take this to the hardened headquarters battle command center in the basement NOW!”
When the trio rushed into the subterranean shelters main battle room, there were no longer communication in or out of the Washington DC area. In the four and a half minutes of their hurried transit, the nuclear device had exploded, one hour and forty seven minutes earlier than expected.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ Change?
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
“So what is our action plan, people? We will have years to assign all the blame, let’s decide what we must do to restart this great nation of ours.” The President was crestfallen. Only in power for a few months and this had happened, to HER! It wasn’t fair! Why couldn’t this have happened to the previous president?
She found herself shocked by her in appropriate thoughts. She mentally reprimanded herself, then tried to concentrate on what was being said.
Her Secretary of Commerce was talking. “Obviously we will have to rebuild the critical facilities that were once housed in New York City somewhere else in the nation. My staff is working on recommendations for the best places. Beyond that, we do have back up servers that were not in New York City for all stock exchange information. Most of the banks also have off site back up facilities to restore their functionality.”
To build a new city, . . . . . to replace New YORK! It was unimaginable!
Those BAStards!
The Secretary of State leaned forward. “We must not over react to this incident! The worst thing we could do right now is to cowboy our way into greater hatred by the rest of the world. They are already saying we deserved this.”
“WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed the Secretary of Defense! He jumped to his feet and glared at the rest of the assemblage. “It is EXACTLY that attitude that has caused this carnage and mayhem to occur, ladies and gentlemen! Had we done what we SHOULD have done to this religious bully years ago, and not pussy footed around for decades, this would never have happened! MY GOD! What does it take for you people to understand that those fundamentalists want us . . . . ALL . . . . DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He sat back down, his face red, his chest heaving.
“Spoken like a true cowboy!” was the Secretary of State’s reproving response.
The President held up her hands. “Calm down, all of you! What do the polls say? We don’t want to do ANYthing that would cause us to drop in the polls!”
The Secretary of State leaned forward. “I can NOT believe that this administration, after our nation has been so brutally attacked, more people killed in one microsecond than all of the previous wars combined, times three, is sitting here asking what the polls say! WHERE IS THE FUCKING LEADERSHIP?”
The President’s face turned livid. “How DARE you! I expect your immediate resignation to be on my DESK in less than an hour!”
The Secretary of Defense and eight other cabinet members got up and walked out.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ The Decision
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The top half of the various newspapers front pages announced ‘TERRORIST EXPLODE NUKE IN NEW YORK’. The next three pages were dedicated solely to the disaster and how Washington was only helping the white people, not the people of other skin colors. The papers of course did not mention that people of every color, race and creed had been exterminated in a microsecond of hatred fostered by religious bigotry. NO help was yet available for anyone.
The next day, without the New York Times to spin the story, a mostly truthful news article made its way down the news wires and into news papers.
‘NINE MEMBERS OF PRESIDENTS CABINET QUIT!’ the headlines proclaimed. The administration had clamped down on news releases until they could figure out how to make the news slant in their direction, therefore there was scant information to print.
The next day, however, the nine cabinet members who had resigned had met en masse with the news media and explained exactly why they had left. That resulting articles failed to cause riots in the streets of America’s cities.
The President’s red phone rang its heart stopping shrill shriek. The President looked at it with foreboding, then took a deep bolstering breath and hesitantly reached for it.
“This is the President.”
The president’s heart skipped three beats. “We are secure. Should I call my cabinet members in?”
“Ma’dam Prrreseedent,” the thickly accented voice began, “You must do vhat you must do, but I vish to varn you zat zer are morrre veapons of maaass destrrruction being placed in your countrrrry as ve speak. Eeef you vill give me perrrrmission, my country vill seize zem and rrrredeploy zem to ze country zat has declared varrrr on you.”
The President, finally, in her first moment of utter clarity since her childhood, realized that if she did nothing, her beloved country would soon become a nuclear wasteland. ON . . . . HER . . . . . WATCH! She would be known forever as the president that did not protect her homeland. Tears of frustration over the unfairness of it all coursed down her cheeks.
But she knew that her life, everyone’s life, had changed forever.
Why in the hell did these bastards still want to kill Americans even after she had offered them peace and respect and money and friendship, just like she had promised in her campaign? Had she not done EVERYthing to placate them? Had she not done every single thing that she had promised during her campaign? Had she not tried diligently to extend the olive branch to the terrorists? ‘Oh god, I used the ‘T’ word!’ she realized as she sat there, immobilized by fear of failure.
Then, as if spoken from a still inner voice, for the first time in her life she realized that words did not solve this type of problem. Hatred, she realized belatedly, was not rational. And religious hatred, fanned by promises to young men who had been mentally abused as they grew up, did not lead to rational thinking.
The President took a deep shuddering breath.
So what was the solution? Was blowing them up going to bring them around?
Suddenly the President had an epiphany.
The President realized, in a blinding flash of sanity, that the jihadists did not want peace! Peace was not their goal in ANY form or fashion!
The jihadists wanted only ONE thing! What they wanted was death for anyone, and EVERYone, that they viewed, in their narrow minded definition, as an enemy. To the jihadist, an enemy had no color, no nation. Their enemy was anyone and EVERYone who did not believe EXACTLY as they did. There were no shades of right and wrong to them. Worshipping Allah was not enough. Being good people was not enough.
ONLY the willingness of every person in the world to believe EXACTLY as they did would stop this insane Jihad.
Once the President finally grasped that concept, finally understood the new reality of jihadism, understood that cold hard fact of irrational religious hatred, she could finally make cool, level headed decisions.
The jihadist had access to unlimited amounts of money. This was solely because they had oil to sell. And the rest of the world was dependent on that very oil. It was a reverse ‘Catch 22’!
She took a deep breath, then asked “Ma’am, please give me a name that I can use as we talk.”
The voice in the phone answered softly “Shaliel.”
The President leaned forward, her face assuming the expression that her staff had come to recognized as her ‘don’t bull shit me’ face. “Shaliel, you may take the weapons that you find, and you may use them as your government sees fit. Please stay in contact with my Director of our CIA for any further assistance that my government can offer you.”
“Sank you Ma’dam Prrrreseedent!” The line went coldly dead.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ A New Path
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
“Kevin, I just talked to your Mossad agent again.”
“Really? And what did she have to say this time, Madam President?”
“I gave her government permission to take some nukes that are currently on American soil and take them for use for their own purposes. I need you to follow up through normal channels to close this loop.”
“Yes Ma’am! Will do. Anything else?”
“Where in the hell are these nukes coming from, Kevin? What have we found out on that front?”
“As we suspected. The North Koreans are selling them to the Iranians in exchange for much needed oil.” The Director’s voice sounded exasperated.
“Kevin, I need you to set up an intensive conference with the various directors and upper levels of the intelligence agencies. Include the general staff of the military and the Secretary of State, and the rest of the Cabinet.”
The Director was taken totally by surprise. “May I ask what the focus of this meeting will be, Madam President?”
“Kevin, I want each and every attending agency, including yours, to arrive at this meeting prepared to present a solid proposal, fleshed out as best they can in the limited time frame, including an order of magnitude budget and probable costs, for solving, once and for all, our situation with the jihadist. I suspect this conference needs to take place at Camp David, in order to give us freedom from interruptions. Please schedule it for a two days period within the next week. Each presenting entity will be given no more than one hour to present their ideas.”
“Yes Ma’am!” The Director could not believe his ears! Real talk about how to SOLVE the problem that the American government had been pussy footing around with for a decade or two? The Director immediately throttled back his enthusiasm. These would be, for the most part, politicians trying to reach political solutions.
“And Kevin?”
“Yes Ma’am?”
“Tell each and every one of the invitees that I am looking for a long term solution, NOT another political solution that will simply delay the inevitable. Make that clearly understood. Kevin, this government is going to switch gears in this lumbering truck of political correctness. Understand?” There was a hard edge in the President’s voice.
The Director found himself faintly hopeful that the President actually meant what she said.
“Yes Madam President?”
“I need you baby. I need you badly!”
Marie, taken totally by surprised, flushed brightly. “I’ll be right in, honey.”
“Bring the toys baby.” The President giggled. “I need to relax a bit.”
In just a few moments, the door opened and Marie walked in, her face flushed, a large purse on her shoulder.
“Get naked honey. I want to watch you as you move about.”
Marie stripped hurriedly, her eyes furtively seeking the President’s unspoken approval. The President’s eyes, her brows knit in intensive focus, watched the nubile softness of her secretary’s body as its beauty revealed itself to her. Marie stepped over near the president and sat the large purse down beside the President’s chair.
When Marie, head bowed, finally stood at attention in front of her, the President murmured “Oh god I have missed this!”
“I have too Ma’am!” replied Marie. “What is your wish, Ma’am? I am yours to use as you wish.”
“I need to cum baby. I need to have your mouth sucking my cunt and tonguing my clit. I need to strap that sweet little ass of yours till it is red and ready for me to fuck. I need to use you like I used to before the campaign started. God it has been too long!”
Marie was already on her knees between the President’s thighs, raising the conservative hem of her dress, and began gently tugging at her panties.
The President raised her hips to allow Marie to remove her panties, then placed her heels up on her desk, spreading her thighs wide to give her little subbie slut access to her Presidential pussy. “Lick my ass first baby, I love it when you do that!” The President purred.
Marie lowered her eager succulent lips to the President’s bum and began to lap exactly where her Mistress had directed her. The President’s head went back against the back of her chair. Her eyes closed as she enjoyed her devoted lover’s expert ministrations.
“Finger me baby, while you lick my asshole. Dig that slutty little tongue inside me. And finger me just like you know I like it!”
Marie redoubled her efforts to please her beloved Mistress. Her fingers knew exactly how to stimulate her Mistress’s most sensitive place just inside her cunnie lips. The President began to buck as she neared her first orgasm in over three years.
“Oh god yes baby, Oh god yes! Oh god you are so good to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
The President began to writhe noisily, grunting intensely as she soared toward ecstasy. She was having her first orgasm since beginning to run for the Presidency.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ Harsh Measures
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The phone woke the couple as they lay in each other’s arms.
It was the Director calling with news, his call having been forwarded to the President’s residence.
“Madam President, we have received the list of targets that Mossad has been authorized, by the Israeli government, to strike. Do you wish to know what they are?”
In less than a heart beat, the President knew her answer. “No,” she replied in a low, malevolent voice. “Nor did this phone call ever occur.”
“I understand, Madam President!” The phone line went dead.
The President laid back down, her mind going a mile a minute. Clearly the Director had been spoiled by the previous administration! How dare he sully her reputation by offering her the information she did not want to know. He had thereby sullied her deniability. Could he have been so dumb as to not have known and understood that?
Or was he setting her up for a fall later?
Fuming, she tossed and turned for another twenty minutes.
Finally Marie got up and fetched the President’s strap, harness and dildo. She softly pulled the President to a standing position then wrapped the harness and dildo around her thick hips, then handed her the leather strap. Marie turned around and bent over, grabbing her own ankles as she spread her legs widely, invitingly apart, her carnal body exposed and totally vulnerable.
The President caressed the rough leather of the strap as she looked at her submissive lover’s vulnerable ripe young body. Her anger at the Director boiling in her veins, the President licked her lips as she raised her arm, her pussy freshening as she brought the strap down harshly, raising a welt on her lover’s wonderfully smooth white bottom.
The President exploded into her first orgasm since beginning to run for the Presidency.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ Counter Measures
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The Secretary of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs had sat quietly for a day and a half, listening to presentation after presentation on what the United States should do about the jihadist. After the first few presentations, they all sounded the same.
Finally it was her turn. She was staring out the window, her eyes not focused on any thing in particular. After the President had called her name to speak, she continued to sit there, unmoving, for a few critical seconds trying to decide whether she should break from the established, already told ten times, party line, or say what she really thought. She was the first woman to speak after eleven males, military men, cabinet members, it went on and on. They were all important, respected, intelligent, experienced men.
She told herself that the President had already lost three quarters of her cabinet over the disagreements on what should happen. Now it was her turn to give input, to try to shape the future decisions of the American government’s mode of protecting itself from those who had sworn to overthrow the country she loved with all her heart.
Should she take a gamble, gamble on the President asking for her resignation? Or should she take the safe route, say what she knew everyone wanted to hear? Should she be an unadventurous ‘Me To’? She felt her bowels loosen as she contemplated her next, life altering words.
The President called her name again. Everyone was looking at her now. The room shifted uncomfortably.
The President cleared her throat, ready to speak louder to get her attention.
Deliberately, Vets Affairs stood up, murmured a quick prayer for strength, and turned toward the President. “Madam President, I have listened to all of these fine, intelligent people giving you input, suggestions, and I very much respect each and everyone person who has preceded me.
“However. . . . . . .
“A number of years ago, when I was a psychology Professor at a major university, I had my graduate students do a scientific poll of over three thousand randomly selected people. The single question was: “If you were asked by a good friend to lie for them, would you?”
“The responses to this question were extremely interesting . . . . . . and instructive.
“Sixty four percent of the respondents said that they WOULD lie if asked to by a good friend!”
Vets paused for effect. Then she repeated her statement. “Sixty four percent of those polled said they would lie if asked to by a good friend!”
Again she paused as her eyes surveyed the room packed full of powerful VIPS and staffers. She felt like she did back in her classroom at the beginning of each year.
“The findings were so unexpected that we did a follow-up poll. In that follow up poll, we asked several questions to determine whether that willing lie could be of serious nature, or if it would have to be an innocuous little lie. The results were unequivocal. Those people were willing, in an overwhelming majority, willing to lie, even about murder, if their friend asked them to!
“Madam President, it is my opinion that we here in this room are perpetrating exactly that same willingness to lie for our friends!”
She took off her reading glasses as she again surveyed the room. Her professor’s eyes gauged the mood and the attention of the others in the room. It was clear that she had their attention. Every eyes was on her. Many mouths were hanging open, as if in shock. It was clear that the room was thinking she was committing political suicide.
Vets began to chew on one of the ear pieces of her glasses.
Suddenly she jammed the ear piece directly at the president. “And you, Madam President, need to hear the truth, NOT the lie that is the expected quid-pro-quos that bought each of us the ticket to allow us to be here in this room.”
There was an audible gasp. Even the President looked uncomfortable, even pissed!
“One of the things we learned in that follow-up poll was that over seventy five percent of the respondents who indicated that they would lie for their friend were of OUR political party!”
Vets allowed that bit of information to sink in.
“The other bit of information that should be mentioned in this, my prologue to my recommendation to you, Madam President, is that the perception that they would lie for their friend quickly translated into BELIEVING their own lie. Those respondents would, after deliberately lying for their friend, come up with rationalizations as to why the very lie they told to help their friend out of a tough spot, was now to be seen as the TRUTH!”
“Madam President, it is my considered opinion that we here in this room are perpetrating a lie both upon ourselves and upon the world. We will then, in the next few hours, come up with finely crafted rationalizations to salve our conscience.
“After that we will proceed to twist what we know now to be a falsehood, into a believable LIE. A LIE we can sell to the world to cover our actions.
“We will then release to the press (the press we know will also lie for us because they perceive us as their friend) our decisions and our contrived lies about why the course of action we propose is the right and proper course.”
The room was still as an empty church. NO one had ever had the guts to tell it like it was before!
Agent 008 ~~~~~ PISSED OFF!
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The Secretary of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs looked around the room, her eyes now defiant. “So now, because we have surreptitiously lied our way into the Presidency, and because we have told our countrymen that the war is wrong, and not winnable, we feel as if we must continue to act as if that lie is the TRUTH.
The Secretary of Vets Affairs leaned over the table and stared right into the President’s eyes. “We have just had the incredibly good fortune of finding nuclear bombs that were GOING to go OFF in SEVEN of our major cities, major American cities! Yet here we are, still trying to tell the same old lies that got us here in the first place! What will it take to knock some sense into our heads? What will it take for us to come clean and say to ourselves, ‘Damn! I was WRONG!!?’
“What do you people think this is? A high school football game?
“Downtown NEW YORK CITY is a wasteland! MILLIONS of people died just days ago, and are STILL dying from radiation poisoning!
“Madam President, PEOple, . . . . . this is NOT A GOD DAMN GAME! This is for KEEPS! And I do NOT want to be a Muslim. So either we start acting like we are serious about this ghastly religious war that has been clearly declared on us years ago, or we should all pack up our bags and go home! Let someone do this most serious, deadly job that needs to be done, MUST be done. We should find someone who is not pretending, not believing their OWN DAMN LIE!
The White House Chief of Staff started to say something indignant. The President held up her hand, her palm facing the Chief. The President’s eyes never left the Vets Affairs Secretary’s face.
Vets continued. “Do we or do we NOT know more now than we did when we were campaigning? Do we or do we NOT now know that there were some ACTUAL deadly, nuclear bombs, DIRTY nuclear bombs, already in our country and getting ready to be set in their location of detonation? Do we or do we not now know that had Mossad not discovered this dastardly fact, EIGHT of our largest cities would be a nuclear waste land in a day or two? How many of our cities do we have to lose before we stop believing our own stupid lies?
“I for one believe we should start over. We should STOP acting like we are high school kids lying to cover each others cheating on tests.
“Madam President, either act like the rightful and omniscient leader of our country, or get the hell out of here and let a REAL leader lead us.”
Vets sat down with a plop, her eyes closed, expecting the worst. But she felt better in her heart.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ Stating a few facts!
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The President sat there for several moments thinking, and thinking hard. Her mood was obviously not good, given the way her face was pinched, as if she was having terrible gas pains. It was the first time in many years that her close confidants and staff had seen her at a loss. For the first time, they saw her fidgeting, uncomfortable, pissed off at her circumstances. The nuclear destruction of New York City was going down in the history books as HER failure! Her presidency was in historical shambles.
As the exceedingly tense pause drug on, Vets became more and more hopeful she had somehow made a dent in the impenetrable armor with which the President girded herself, armor that had always inoculated her from considering many sound ideas, even from basic commonsense. The only person she and her husband had actually listened to in the past had been Dick Morris, their political consultant.
As time ticked by, Vets was more and more astonished that the President had not yet ask her staff for the results of some public opinion poll taken from a carefully selected audience that skewed the results in the direction toward which the President and her political cronies wanted to move.
Suddenly the President, in an uncharacteristically tense voice, asked “So just what sort of . . . . . lies . . . . are you referring to?”
A chink in her armor plating!
Vets stood back up. She knew this was do-or-die time. No more chances if she blew this one! She felt like she had the first time she had stood before a class of graduate students at the university.
‘Well, here goes!’ she thought.
She took a deep breath. “Let’s examine what, in reality, has gotten us to this point, the lies that got us here.”
Vets looked around the room. Every eye was staring at her, some with bland curiosity, but some with an awful, malevolent stare. She took pains to emotionally blind herself to those who looked hostile.
She paused to make her point, then exclaimed “OIL!”
Vets let the word sink in for a few seconds. “Yes, OIL!
“If we were not so dependent on foreign oil for transportation, and many other items critical to our economy, we would not be paying the very jihadists that are trying to blow us up for THEIR oil!
“In a very real sense, WE are the ones FINANCING the very terrorists who are our ENEMIES!
Vets surveyed her captive audience. “So WHY do we have an foreign oil dependence problem?
“We are now discussing one of the LIES that have brought us to this disastrous situation. The very lies that led to the city of New York being immolated by a nuclear bomb.
“This political party has been tied-up for DECADES with the lie that only the “conservationists” know what they are talking about, so confounded that we have not allowed ANYone to build new refineries, nor permitted oil exploration inside our borders for over half a century!
“Let’s examine this lie of the “conservationists”. What an awful lie! The very NAME is a lie! The so called “conservationists” are not “conservationists” at all! In reality, they are just people who have bullied the public into not doing what we have KNOWN for DECADES we should in fact be DOING! They have a political agenda, a lie, that they have advanced for so often that we, as a political party, have started believing it!
“For example: ANWR. ANWR, in the State of Alaska is a known oil reservoir.
“Let me tell you something that most of you do not know. If you placed the west side of Alaska in Seattle, Washington, the right side of Alaska would be in Miami Florida! It would span the entire nation! Alaska is HUGE!
“Here is another fact that might give you a feel for the size of Alaska. If you took JUST the area between the HIGH tide mark, and the LOW tide mark, in the State of Alaska, that area ALONE is bigger than the grand old State of TEXAS, the second largest state!
“We have all been shown, over and over, the pictures of a tiny little pristine valley that leads us to conclude that ANWR is just big enough to hold a cute little herd of Caribou. We have all been shown this picture so many times that we now accept the lie that it is a small area that would be spoiled by ANY oil drilling.
“In point of fact, ANWR is HUGE! Its area, the area of JUST ANWR, is over nineteen MILLION acres, that is over 30,616 square miles! ANWR is, in reality, bigger than ELEVEN different states, bigger than the State of South Carolina! ANWR is almost as big as the State of MAINE! To give you a comparison, Washington DC is only 61 square miles, five hundred times smaller than ANWR!
“Now think! Is there ANY state in the US that can’t hold at least a few oil platforms?
“WELL! So is ANWR! As I just said, ANWR is bigger than ELEVEN STATES! Yet the “politically correct” crowd, and the so called “conservationists”, have convinced us it is a tiny little valley that will be ruined for eternity by someone even walking in it to look for oil!
“That is just ONE of the blatant, dangerous, lies that has helped to contribute to our current disastrous situation.
Agent 008 ~~~~~ More indisputable facts!
Copyright Deni Wom 2007
The Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs continued her passionate attempt to talk sense into the hitherto emotionally blinded presidential cabinet. “There is a small village just south of ANWR called Anaktuvuk Pass. Mostly Alaskan Natives live there. Almost all freight arriving arrives by air. There are few if any roads that lead to this village. The name of the village means, in direct translation to English, “Where the Caribou Shit.” The caribou pass through the steep sided valley surrounding this village by the tens of thousands on their way to and from ANWR. TENS of THOUSANDS of caribou. Not the measly three or four you see in the misleading, anti development commercials.
“The local native population has NO restriction on the number of caribou they are allowed to kill. There is not even any sort of requirement to even butcher the animals, or for that matter to even look at them once they have shot them, killing them, or often only wounding them. If you want to name the true reason that the caribou numbers have begun to decrease slightly, look at THIS cause first.
Vets looked at the President’s face again to gauge her current state of mind. The President’s secretary was squirming on her chair, a look of obvious discomfort on her pretty face. Vets could see little support in the President’s face, but also no anger. She decided to continue.
“We are told over and over that our consumption of petroleum fuels is causing global warming, yet relatively FEW scientists actually agree with THAT assessment. There is growing understanding of how often and to what degree the earth has warmed and cooled in the past. Recent research is showing that the sun warms and cools in approximately similar time spans as past global warming periods. Growing evidence points to the sun’s cycles as the root cause of global climate cycles.
“Scientists are seeing a similar recent melting of the Martian ice caps. How will the global warming alarmists explain how man has caused THAT little inconvenient truth?
“Madam President, our current need to make nice to the oil sheiks is our major reason for our attempts at pacifying the Jihadists. Yet the government, intimidated by the conservationists, refuses to allow more oil refineries to be constructed, or for more oil exploration to be conducted of our coasts, or in ANWR. We, as a nation are teetering on the brink of a global conflagration yet we still are trying to play both sides of the fence with the vicious terrorists of the world.
“We continue to pour arms into the Middle East, arming any faction that says they will be our friends. Then, after we have armed them to the teeth, they decide that we are the bad guys and start killing us with the very weapons we gave them, for FREE!
“Here we are, trying to play softball while the Jihadists are blowing up hundreds of thousands of their own people. They are not playing by the same set of rules as we are.
“In order to justify our actions, we pretend we are too civilized to play by the same set of rules that THEY are playing with. They have officially declared WAR on us, yet we continue to pretend that they are just poor misunderstood people who are angry at us because we somehow we did bad things to them in the past.
“War has evolved, and we as a nation have not evolved with it.
“Think back to the revolutionary war. The British forces came at us in nice straight lined formations, making their soldiers easy targets for our own forces that stayed behind the trees and shot at them from protected positions. War changed during that period. We Americans made it change.
“Now think about the Vietnam War. It was us out there in the jungle dressed in totally obvious uniforms, as perfectly obvious as can be to their ruthless forces. Their forces dressed as civilians. Our soldiers had no idea who was a good guy and who was the bad guys. Women and men would walk up to out forces as though they were trying to sell things to our soldiers, then would murder them from close range.
“We allowed our politicians to run that war, and look what happened! We lost. As Americans we are impatient, and as a nation we have capitulated to those who say we have to be the nice guys.
“We didn’t learn our lesson in the disastrous Vietnam War war. We kept pointing at this worthless piece of paper called the Geneva Convention and pretended we had to be nice people to our enemies. We had signed a piece of paper that told us that. Our enemies do not abide by that piece of paper, but we insist to ourselves that we must, even if it means we will be defeated because of it.
“The psychology of the human bully is that they continue to do what makes them feel powerful. We face brutally abhorrent bullies in our current world. The bullies this time are called Jihadists. And they play by their own brutal inhuman set of rules.
“It is the very nature of bullies NOT to change until THEY clearly see that it is in their own narrow best interest to change.
“We, as the good guys, are not giving them any reason to change. Until we do, they will continue to act as they have. And the American public, the European nations, and the rest of the world view we Americans as classic idiots. It is clear to any sane person that you can’t change the mentality of a bully by being nice to them. It just does NOT work! Never has! Never WILL!
“So let me ask you, Madam President, do you want to continue to act as an idiot, as we Americans have been doing for over sixty years, or do you want to be the one to allow our nation to play the hand we are currently dealt? We were dealt aces this last week, Madam President. Are you going to pretend otherwise?
“The bullies of the world are celebrating today. They are celebrating because they have dealt an irreparable blow to the very heart of our country, to the grand City of New York.
“If we are honest with ourselves, we know that the bullies are mostly celebrating because we clearly have STILL not learned our hard lesson.
“How many more American cities will have to be made nuclear wastelands before we, the leaders of the free world, learn our lesson and start acting in our own best interests?
“How long, Madam President, will we be idiots guided by idiocy?
“I remind you of Albert Einstein’s famous quote: “The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over, but expecting different results.”
“Madam President, we as a nation, WE are practicing insanity. We have been for over sixty years.
“I beg you to come to your senses and evolve with the rest of the world. Act in America’s best interests. Act in the WORLD’S best interests.
“Act with clear foresight. Act with clarity of vision. Recognize the bully for the bully’s true self. ACT!
The Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs sat down, her head bowed, knowing she had given it her best.
After a few seconds, Agent Kid began to clap, slowly at first, then with increasing speed. Other hands joined in until many of the attendees were clapping.
But not the President.
Determined to press his point, Agent Kid stood up, still clapping. Then others stood, clapping, as well.
The obstinate President was being backed into the proverbial corner as more and more people stood and joined those already clapping.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
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