CumSlutFuckWhore Diary 2007 Blu Ray Resort 1
Copyright Deni Wom and Karen Desoto 2007
Karen giggled then leaned over to Deni and whispered “Lets toy with ourselves and see what he does. That cock of his might get hard!”
Deni’s small body jiggled seductively as she giggled silently at Karen’s words, then looked over at the man who had captured their fantasies. For two days the man had been across the pool from the two women, his nakedness tantalizing them, challenging them. His mouthwatering, manly equipment had been wonderfully on display the whole time, but protected so virulently by his hovering wife, that the two envious women had had no chance to approach him.
And so, Karen’s idea of exuding need for his member was eagerly welcomed by both women. Their thighs turned to point directly at the man. Their fingers began to stroke their clefts as their eyes watched his body and face, hoping to arouse his interest.
And it worked. His eyes saw nothing but their self directed, fiddling fingers. Karen began dipping into her wetness and sampling her fingers. First one finger, then a second, then a third, as though preparing her orifice for the manly thickness that had so tantalized the women.
Deni watched Karen twiddling her thickening pudding for a few moments, then reached over and began to fidget with Karen’s nipples, all the while maintaining eye contact with the gentleman whose equipment they wanted.
Luckily the smirking ogre-ful wife had decided to go into town for some local shopping for the day.
After about a half hour of doing whatever they could to coax the owner of the risen member into talking to them, the women stood up and crooked their finger at him, then walked off toward the beach.
The gentleman’s wistful eyes watched them as their naked hips sashayed away. Did he dare follow them? There was no question in his mind that if he went with them, he would not be able to stop himself once they touched him. But it had been sooooo long since he had experienced passion, experienced comely seduction, since he felt wanted by a female.
After a few moments of struggle, he got up and walked to the bar, stood there in deep thought, then went to the doors to the restroom, stood there, his prick still semi erect and visible to all the women, and men, at the resort.
Finally he could not resist the obvious invitation that had been proffered. The whole resort had been talking about how the two women wanted to experience his penis. So why not give the current residents something to talk about in bed tonight?
The man finally could no longer resist the temptation. He set off with a brisk stride. Several people that saw him walking out to the beach clapped to show their support.
CumSlutFuckWhore Diary 2007 Blu Ray Resort 2
Copyright Deni Wom and Karen Desoto 2007
Deni and Karen were walking hand in hand down the beach, half hopeful, yet half convinced the man would not follow them. After about a quarter of a mile of white sandy beach, they stopped and turned back to satisfy their own curiosity as to whether he was indeed following them.
Their glad eyes widened in surprise when they saw him trudging down the beach, headed in their direction.
They waited patiently for him to catch up, both o them grinning sheepishly.
Karen broke the ice when the man stopped beside them, looking down at them, half ashamed he was there, and half excited to be with naked younger women, one of which looked thirty years his junior.
“What’s your name?” Karen asked.
[we will use the name Wilyum for him, not his real name]
“Wilyum” he replied softly.
Karen held out her small hand to him. “I am Karen and this is Deni.”
Deni shook his hand as well her eyes barely managing not to stare at his generous endowment.
Karen continued, “Deni can’t talk, but she can hear you just fine, so you can talk to her like you can talk to me, but she has to write or type what she says back to you, OK?”
Wilyum nodded nervously. He ahs noticed this when he had been watching them surreptitiously. His eyes continued to flit guiltily from the women’s nubile breasts to their smoothly visible vaginal lips. He had never seen a woman without pubic hair up close and personal before he had come to this resort.
“Want to walk with us down the beach a ways, Wilyum?” Karen asked coyly.
Wilyum nodded nervously. The threesome moved off down the beach, away from their resort.
There was silence for a bit as they watched a line of pelicans gliding over the tip of the waves, searching for an unlucky fish.
Finally Karen asked, “Wilyum, you know we have been watching you as you sunbathed, right?”
Wilyum nodded, not used to flirting, nor to younger women paying him any attention. He said nothing as he waited nervously to see if he were being played for a fool.
Karen continued, “We know you are married. Your wife seems nice, in a way. But we also are wondering if she treats you very well. She seems to look very severe and seems to try hard to control your every move and thought.”
Wilyum looked at the young woman as though he could not believe she had picked up on all of that. She looked no older than twenty. “How old are you, . . . um, . . . . Karen?” he asked hesitatingly.
“Nineteen. Deni is the one that explained all this too me, if that is what you are wondering.”
Wilyum chuckled despite himself.
Karen looked at Deni, as though seeking a sign of some sort. Wilyum saw Deni nodded her head once, almost imperceptibly.
Karen stopped and turned to face Wilyum. “We do not like to come between married couples, but we chatted about you and your wife for a long time last night. We think that you are being treated, . . .well, . . . not treated as nicely as she could. I mean, we think that she doesn’t give you enough sex. There, I said it.”
Tears formed in WIlyum’s eyes. Almost too softly to be heard, he murmured, “We have not had sex for over ten years. She won’t even let me touch her without her clothes on.” Wilyum began to sniffle uncomfortably. “I feel so guilty being out here with you two, but . . . . . well, . . . . I think a wife should not be so cold as she is too,” he said through his sniffling.
Karen stretched up and put her arms around his neck, her breasts and obvious nipples pressed against his chest. “Its OK, Wilyum, we understand.” She patted his back as she allowed him to saturate his senses with the touches of her naked young body.
After he had regained control, Karen asked “Would you like to have sex with Deni and I, Wilyum? We have been marveling at your penis the last few days.”
Wilyum was again taken aback by her frankness.
Turning, Karen and Deni continued walking down the beach. Wilyum stood there watching the two women, naked as the day they were born, even their pussies devoid of hair. He had never seen a more lovely vision in his life. He looked down at his penis and knew that to keep up with these two younger women, he would need the help of his little blue pills.
Beginning to believe that he might be going to be bestowed some incredible gift, Wilyum followed the two women, staring at their delectable rears as they themselves enjoyed mother nature’s beauty in their au naturel state of relative innocence.
CumSlutFuckWhore Diary 2007 Blu Ray Resort 3
Copyright Deni Wom and Karen Desoto 2007
The women seemed to have reached that indiscriminant point at which they decided to turn around. When Wilyum saw them turning, he stopped and waited, his heart in his mouth. As they approached him, his eyes drank in their bodies like a dying man reaches for those he loves. Could it be possible?
Karen spoke again. “So, Wilyum, do you want to have us?” The point was simply made. No fooling around, just a flat statement about having sex with them.
Wilyum nodded his head, his eyes still glued to Deni’s pussy, and that incredible long clittie of hers. He had noticed it before, many many times, as he watched these two from behind his sun glasses. It seemed to protrude from her sweet little cunnie like a thin unlit cigarette. Would he actually get to touch it? How would she react to his touch?
Karen giggled. “Deni, he likes your clittie. Look at his tongue lick his lips while he stares at it!”
Wilyum turned bright red, his eyes jerking up to their faces like a small boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar by his mother. “God, I’m so sorry!” He was so afraid he had blown his chances. Then he realized Deni was smiling at him. And doing that silent chuckle thing. She seemed to laugh a lot, as did Karen. They seemed ‘thick as thieves’ in their deliciously naked little world of vacation.
Karen again, “Wilyum, meet us in our room. It is the one right behind where we always are on our lounge chairs, OK?” She gave him the room number. “Meet us in about a half hour. We are going to shower and prepare ourselves for your pleasures.”
Wilyum could not believe his luck. How in the hell did this whole thing get started? An old fart like him being propositioned by a nineteen year old and another woman, older, but not too old, maybe forty, asking to have sex with him?
Thank god his wife had decided to go shopping for the day! Just for good precaution, so his wife would have less chance to catch him, he walked up on the road above the beach and returned to his own unit where he showered, shaved, and brushed his teeth. He found himself continuously looking in the mirror at his body, older and much more flabby than when he had been a young virile officer in the Marine Corp. As he swallowed his little pill, he wondered if they really worked. He had gotten a prescription, just in case his wife of over thirty years felt so inclined on their vacation at this adults-only naked-OK resort.
He asked himself over and over if he should really follow through with this little . . . . . . fantasy. What if he got caught? What if the women had a disease? What if . . . . What if . . . .. What if?
He knew he would drive himself crazy if he didn’t stop thinking.
His penis was already feeling a little lighter as he walked toward the building where the women had their room.
He felt young again. He felt ALIVE! It had been so long since he felt like he did right now! His mind again pictured Deni’s cute little clittie, so vulnerable, so available, so . . so . . . so . . . ..GOD! He wished he had the words!
CumSlutFuckWhore Diary 2007 Blu Ray Resort 4
Copyright Deni Wom and Karen Desoto 2007
Wilyum stood facing the ocean as he waited for the women to open the door to let him in. He desperately hoped no one would see him standing anywhere near where the women were staying.
No such luck. He was there for less than thirty seconds when the couple that were staying in the room next to his walked by, politely commenting “Nice view!” as they passed him. When they were a few steps past him, the woman suddenly stopped, then turned back to him, and said, in a most sincere voice, “You have a great time in there dear, ya hear?” She smiled at him encouragingly, then nodded to show her sincerity.
Wilyum blushed bright red.
The door behind him then clicked and there stood Karen, proudly naked as usual, her hair tied back in a ponytail. “Please come in Wilyum!” She held out her hand to him.
Wilyum could feel his own heat-generated static-electricity running between them as he took her hand. Her hand felt cool, and small, and soft. His penis seemed to wriggle a bit, potentially willing to come alive for the first time in years.
Wilyum grinned, excited, emotionally ready for this fantasy to come true.
[We are not including our STD protection measures so that our readers can enjoy the story more. Please rest assured we took such measures]
Karen lead him to their bedroom where Deni was lying diagonally across the bed, her head at the corner nearest the door. She was propped up on pillows.
Karen led Wilyum to stand at Deni’s head. She pressed against his bum until his penis was dangling beside Deni’s face.
Deni smiled up at him, then turned her head to take his plump glans into her mouth. Her hands carressed his shaft as she began to suckle and lick his cockhead. Her hands moved smoothly down his cock to fondle his testicles and buttocks as she lingually caressed his cock.
Wilyum watched in amazement as Karen crawled between Deni’s thighs and began to consume her cleft.
Wilyum stared in awe as his cock swelled slowly to life. His chest swelled in pride as he watched Deni’s mouth fill with his engorging manhood.
His member grew and grew until it was as if he were a handsome young man again, virile and sexy! He could feel a rock solid hardness that had not been there for over thirty years. His manly cock was back! ‘YESSSS!’
His heart swelled with pride as he fed his dripping wet prick in and out of the beautifully shaped woman’s suckling lustfully guzzling mouth. He reached down and fondled her firm elastic breasts. His fingers tugged gently at her nipples as he watched her mouth lustily fondling him. ‘What a pair of hooters! World class!’
The blissful yet lustful look on Deni’s face convinced him that his masculinity was giving her great pleasure. Watching her pussy being consumed by Karen made him eager to get to know these two sexy women even better.
Why could his wife not be like this, he wondered for a brief second.
Then his mind snapped back to watching the two women fucking both him and each other. When he was younger, he had fantasized so often about this very thing! And, here in his senior years, he was finally watching a gorgeous woman being eaten by another beautiful younger woman, his cock actually buried in a sexy woman’s mouth!!!! His body began to shiver as his abdomen tightened. His rigid cock was harder than he had ever remembered it being.
Wilyum shuddered as he felt his penis pass through the back of Deni’s mouth and into her throat. The erotically overpowering thought that this tiny woman had actually taken his unyielding thickness all the way into her throat shocked him, riveting his attention back onto his prick.
Then, it happened! His cock began to convulse! His balls began to clench! His mind shut down to everything except the incredible, almost forgotten sensations in his groin. Wilyum had his first orgasm in years. Wonderful ecstatic sensations rustled deep inside his body in places that had not stirred for a long, long time.
Wilyum could feel her tongue and throat swallowing his rusty carnal spew as rapidly as her gulping throat could ingest his boiling liquid. Deni’s eyes were closed, her face dreamy, her hips bucking, and Karen was happily slurping noisily at Deni’s long white clit, a beckoning finger buried inside her gash.
Wilyum collapsed onto the bed, gasping, as his penile activity slowing down, no longer spurting, but thick cum still oozing from his penis.
As he sat there recuperating beside Deni on the bed, Wilyum watched the two excited women chattering and gesticulating about how much cum he had spurted. He felt so proud, manly again, after years of being told by his wife to leave her alone.
He stared at Deni’s naked pussy, glistening in the light, Karen’s saliva still coating her smoothness.
The girls agreed between themselves that it was now Karen’s turn to enjoy his member. Her eyes worshiped his crotch as she got down on her knees and hefted his cock. “God baby! This thing is HEAVY!” she said. She looked at Deni as she giggled, holding his penis in both her diminutive hands.
Deni joined her, also hefting his testicles, and kissing his limp penis. Deni mouthed something to Karen.
Karen translated for Wilyum. “Deni said she wants me to hurry up and get you hard honey, so I can feel you inside me.”
CumSlutFuckWhore Diary 2007 Blu Ray Resort 5
Copyright Deni Wom and Karen Desoto 2007
[The thoughts we write here about what Wilyum was thinking are based on his own verbal input, as near verbatim as we can get them]
Karen and Deni both concentrated on the delightfully weighty penis they were fondling. Deni concentrated on the sperm which still seemed to be oozing out its tip. Karen concentrated on the shaft and rim of its smooth rimmed glans. Periodically their tongues would caress each others as they fondled and toyed with Wilyum’s sensuously profligate equipment.
Within ten minutes, the women had Wilyum’s beautifully curved shaft enticingly hard, fully erect, and ready for their own sexual enjoyment.
Wilyum smiled down at them as he watched their play, enjoying the intensely pleasurable touches of their soft gentle hands as the women paid subtle homage to his manhood.
Unable to wait any longer, Karen stood up and pressed against his hairy chest, “Lay done Willie! I want your dick inside me! Deep and hard! And don’t hold back if you want to cum in me, because I really want you to shoot your cummies inside me, OK?” She straddled his hips and then looked at Deni. “Hold his cock for me honey?” she asked as Deni eagerly reached for Wilyum’s shaft and raised its heft to vertical. Karen slowly lowered her sweet wet eager pussy downward.
Wilyum could feel the heat of the young woman’s impatient vagina as her body approached his own plump plum. The subtle sensation of the radiant heat from her body made his cock as hard as a rock.
Deni and Wilyum watched breathlessly as a drop of Karen’s sweet pussy juices dripped, as if in slow motion, onto the ripe ready tip of Wilyum’s purple prick. Wilyum moaned softly as he felt the heat of her opulent presence.
Karen continued to lower her hips until she felt the tip of his glans touch her lips. Reaching down between her thighs, she opened her cleft to accept Wilyum’s gift for her. She groaned when, as she lowered her body still more, she felt the tip of his large thick cock begin to force her vaginal lips apart.
Wilyum’s eyes stared at the young woman’s thin body straining to envelop his penis. The relative sizes of their organs seemed such a miss-match!
After a short pause, as she maintained a constant pressure, he could feel her vaginal opening seem to relax. After that she seemed to be able to accept his size much more easily.
Inch by inch she lowered her body, taking more and more of his manhood into her opening. It felt so good to both of them, Karen feeling the stretching straining to enter her of his thick penis, Wilyum feeling the tightness of her vibrant young pussy.
Wilyum could not believe that this was really happening to him! Yet there it was, right in front of him, a beautiful sexy young woman lowering her cunt down on his ole cock! His strutting rutting rooster felt like it might burst with pride.
As their organs adjusted to each other’s proportions, their eyes met. Karen smiled radiantly at Wilyum as she conquered his last three inches. Wilyum grinned back at her, his heart in his throat, his head still not understanding how this had happened to him.
Suddenly Karen began to shudder, her whole body seeming to go into seizure. Her already tight vagina squeezed his cock even harder. Her head went back and her eyes closed as her whole being was catapulted into an intense and powerful orgasm.
Deni moved behind her friend and held her as she shook. Deni smiled at Wilyum and pursed her lips in a kiss.
When Karen quieted, Deni stayed, stroking her breasts from behind as Karen began again to rock on Wilyum’s hugeness. In only few more seconds, Karen began to come again. This one was even more visceral than the last one. Again Deni held her as she shuddered in ecstasy. Deni winked at Wilyum as he proudly watched the affect his penis had on the young woman.
Karen’s second orgasm lasted even longer than her first one. But once again, only a few seconds after Karen had slowed to a grinding shudder, she again exploded, this time so intensely that in a few moments, her body went slack.
Deni lowered the spent young woman’s body to the bed beside Wilyum, Kissed her gently, then moved directly on top of Wilyum’s hips, spreading her own quivering vaginal lips and impaling herself rapidly down onto his erection.
Wilyum wished he had a camera to capture the look on Deni’s face as she sank onto his wonderfully fat shaft. Deni’s pussy felt initially less restricted than Karen’s, but once she had fully impaled herself onto his thick prick, her cunt began to gyrate and pulse and clench like nothing Wilyum had ever experienced before. The muscular contractions of her pussy on his cock were indescribably pleasurable.
Wilyum began to wonder if he had actually died and gone to heaven.
Deni had three intense orgasms as she rode his large fat dong. As she was coming the third time, Wilyum could no longer hold his seed, and brutally bathed the interior of Deni’s body with an intense and copious bath of creamy pearls.
Deni collapsed on Wilyum’s chest, spent and unconscious.
Wilyum’s eyes had rolled back into his forehead as he came. He had not the strength to open his eyes after his second prodigious orgasm of the afternoon.
Deni felt so light on his chest, like a small kitten that had curled up to nap.
Wilyum smiled. He was ready to meet his maker now. He had experienced his life-long fantasy. He was ready to go home to God.
CumSlutFuckWhore Diary 2007 Blu Ray Resort 6
Copyright Deni Wom and Karen Desoto 2007
Before allowing Wilyum to depart their suite, Deni and Karen extracted a promise from Wilyum that he would again pleasure them.
Immediately after Wilyum left, Deni and Karen began to plot. They wanted Wilyum to experience sex with his beloved wife. So, between them, they hatched a plan of wickedly entertaining deceit to arrive at their goal.
After they had designed their plan of attack, Karen began going from couple to couple and enlisting their help in accomplishing their goal of seduction. She was invariably met with an enthusiastic positive response. Karen was delighted to discover that she and Deni were not the only ones who had noticed how Wilyum’s wife [let’s call her Anne] seemed distant to her husband.
Deni, while Karen was enlisting volunteers in their little scheme of seduction, went to both the concierge, and the person in charge of guest entertainment, and explained to them what they could do to help. Both were excited and supportive of the plan.
So the very next evening, after Deni and Karen had gone shopping for the necessary accoutrements, the first “Shake Your Booty” contest was held.
Every guest was invited, and each personal invitation listed how that guest or couple could help Deni and Karen in their goals of benign seduction. People began to arrive early to the show, all giggling and anxious to participate.
Deni and Karen had paid for an open bar for all participants. By the time the guests of honor arrived, the rest of the participants were feeling no pain from drinking free Tequila shooters.
Earlier in the afternoon, Deni and Karen had gone to Anne and Wilyum’s suite and asked Anne to join them on the lanai for a drink. Once there, and with two Tequila shooters under Anne’s belt, Karen explained to Anne that she and Deni wished to live a fantasy. Their fantasy was to be hand-maidens to a queen for a night of royal enchantment. They showed her their preparations for their evening of fun.
They were delighted to learn that Anne had been a small time movie star in her younger days, and had actually played the part of the “Princess of the Nile” in a B-grade movie. The idea intrigued her and she agreed to help Deni and Karen live their fantasy.
All was ready.
Deni and Karen carried Queen Latifa’s royal chenille train in behind her and helped her be seated on her royal throne. Once the Queen was seated, the entertainment began.
Each male dancer, wearing only a loose loin cloth and a face mask, was ushered in by one of the women at the resort. The dancers were instructed to dance cavortingly around in a circle getting intimately close to each female spectator, and allow the giggling females to caress their buns and fondle their cocks and testicles as they worked their booties. The women would in turn judge their booty action, keeping score on a score card.
The men enjoyed the adoring feminine attentions, and the women enjoyed the lusty experience of being permitted, even encouraged, to fondle and explore that which they had all been lusting over behind their sun glasses their whole vacation.
The heated aromas of female lust quickly enveloped them all. The Tequila helped immensely, and by the tenth male dancer, the women were cat calling and demanding extra time with their favorites.
When the men discovered that their cocks, regardless of size and appearance, were delighting the women, lusty erections and huge smiles began to appear.
Mouths began to kiss and lick, and then even suckle, the men as they offered their booty to the women with less and less hesitance.
Deni and Karen plied Queen Latifa with the favorite royal 200 proof booze of the ancient order of Mehico Royals, and encouraged each of the cavorting men to spend extra time with her. Her well manicured hands were soon reaching eagerly and without hesitation for each of the men’s masculine charms.
Deni and Karen winked at each other.
The last dancer was Wilyum. He had been watching Anne fondling his “competition” all evening long. Watching his once gorgeous, and still attractive wife finally beginning to loosen up and become sexual caused his incredible cock to respond, . . . . . partially due to his second little pill.
Wilyum was in full prurient bloom by the time he entered the dance floor.
All eyes, including his wife’s were glued to his obvious masculinity.
As Wilyum began to make his booty call rounds, Deni helped Anne down another Tequila double.
Anne got up, a bit wobbly, and eagerly joined her husband on his bawdy tour around the dance floor. She began to offer his cock to the women as he danced into range of their fondling hands!
The rest of the women responded to her generosity by joking and toying with her husband’s generous penis. The fifth woman had a spontaneous orgasm as she fondled his hugeness.
Queen Latifa removed Wilyum’s loin cloth and swatted him on his derriere, encouraging him to dance for the group like he used to when the couple were still young and vibrant.
Wilyum responded by showing the group how he could make his endowment whirl in circles. He then caused his cock to reverse direction in its hypnotic rotations. His final display of erotic masculinity was when he showed the women what it looked like when he moved his hips up and down, causing he thick cock and balls to slap his stomach, then slap his ass over and over.
After that Queen Latifa again allowed each woman to fondle, kiss, and suckle his huge purple head to their hearts content. His cock was at full mast, incredibly thick and plump, and hard as steel. Two more women had spontaneous orgasms as they explored him.
Fortified with her Tequila courage, Anne invited the rest of the women to experience Wilyum inside their bodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the time he had managed to penetrate most of the women, poor Wilyum was so turned on he could hardly stand it.
And Anne, watching her husband being so wonderfully received, and having been adequately fortified with Tequila courage, then invited Deni and Karen back to Anne and Wilyum’s suite to assist her in her proper Royal Servicing!
The two women of course accompanied her without complaint.
Once ensconced within her familiar territory, Anne began to grow nervous about having Wilyum inside her pussy. Karen softly encouraged her Queen to allow herself to be properly and royally serviced. Anne’s eyes kept looking at Wilyum’s erection. It was becoming clear she was half afraid of sex with him.
Karen began to croon with her, explaining she and Deni would help their Queen and protect her from harm.
Queen Latifa finally agreed, and laid on the bed, spreading her thighs.
Karen pulled her back upright and laid Wilyum down on the bed, then, as Deni held Wilyum’s yummy prick vertical, Karen helped her Queen lower herself onto his prodigiousness.
The Queen soon realized that she was in total control of the depth of his penetration. Once she understood that, she relaxed and began to ride her husband like a lusty rodeo rider rides her spirited stallion.
Deni and Karen slipped out as the Queen approached her third screaming foaming orgasm, Wilyum’s loving eyes fondling his beloved wife’s body as she finally, after forty some years of marriage, enjoyed his penis.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
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1 comment:
Wow, you can write, but you cum from a great place for the material.
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