Monday, April 09, 2007

My researched understanding on “Global Warming”

With all of the media hype and obvious fear mongering regarding the current controversy labeled “Global Warming”, I decided to do my own research.

I have come to two conclusions:

1) The AVERAGE atmospheric temperature IS rising worldwide,
2) Both sides are lying about the root causes.

So here are the facts, as I can deduce them from my research:

A) FACT: Carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a critically important, naturally occurring gas, already a large component (plus or minus .03%) of our atmosphere, and is critical to the overall health of plant and animal life on earth. In fact, if very much of the carbon dioxide was removed from our atmosphere; our planet would suffer cataclysmic changes to plant life world wide. Plants “breathe in” carbon dioxide and “breathe out” oxygen.Animals, including humans, are the opposite. Animals breathe IN Oxygen and breathe OUT carbon dioxide. This critical dynamic results in a natural balancing effect on the overall levels of both of these gasses in our atmosphere.

FACT: Plants have a natural, marvelous response to an INCREASE in the levels of carbon dioxide; they actually grow FASTER! Therefore, as they grow faster, they absorb MORE carbon dioxide and therefore produce more OXYGEN for us animals to breathe! This naturally, magically balances the percentage of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere! It is another one of Mother Nature’s wonderful means of maintaining her status quo.

B) FACT: It is TRUE that the glaciers, on our mountains, at this point in time, are melting faster than they are being created. BUT, what is ALSO true is that this is absolutely normal. As the average atmospheric temperature rises on earth, the glaciers, which are composed of frozen water, melt faster. Another of Mother Nature’s cause-and-effects.

C) FACT: What is NOT true is that the polar ice caps are melting faster than normal. The polar ice caps contain a huge percentage of the water on earth. If they DID melt completely, our oceans WOULD rise. BUT! Research on Antarctica (the South Pole) shows that the ice cap there is actually GROWING!

Furthermore, way back when the Vikings were settling Greenland (near the North Pole), hundreds of years ago, the temperatures there were much warmer than they are now!

FACT: the Vikings started settling in Greenland because they could, at that time, actually grow crops during the Greenland summers. Today, the temperatures there are too cool to do much farming! Obviously, the temperatures THEN were higher than they are now!

Another point: In England, there have been periods when the summers were warm enough to grow wine grapes there. Not so today. Obviously the temperatures in England are now cooler than in the past.

FACT: In the middle 1900s (only fifty years ago) the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere was cooling. The scientists got so alarmed at this cooling trend that they were calling for solutions to this problem. They were fearful of another ice age! And, then as now, it was all us human’s fault! The glaciers were getting longer and bigger! The polar ice caps were growing! The sky was falling down! (Sound familiar?)

D) FACT: It is FALSE that our oceans are rising. For our oceans to rise, the polar ice caps must melt. The polar ice caps are NOT melting; therefore our oceans are NOT going to rise the “Chicken Little” predicted amount of twenty feet, obliterating our coast lines and some of the lower islands.

So what IS causing the average temperature of the atmosphere of our planet earth to rise? Well, what caused it before? Since we humans were not then the dirty bad nasty people we are today (as labeled by the Chicken Littles of the world), there must be other causes for global atmospheric warming. What would they be?

FACT: The only thing that has been consistently present both now and during the previous ice ages is the amount of radiation that is striking earth from space.

FACT: by FAR the most radiation that strikes earth comes from our own sun. Just picture for a minute how fast the temperature of the air around us can warm up when the sun comes out! In one day the temperature can vary by up to 50 to 70 degrees on an average day from the sun’s warming rays!

FACT: The solar radiation from our sun DOES vary from day to day, from year to year, from decade to decade, from century to century, from millennia to millennia! And in fact, if you look at the amount of radiation received from our sun on a year-to-year basis, and then correlate those changes in received radiation to the changes in earth’s atmospheric temperature over those same time periods, the increase or decrease in the sun’s radiation is directly related and even synchronized to the recorded temperature changes in our earth’s atmosphere!

So then the critical question becomes simple: WHY ON EARTH would the politicians be trying to control us by telling us that we humans have to CHANGE or our earth will suffer drastic consequences?

Control? Political control? . . . . . . . And we are buying into their lies for what reason?

Please! Speak out against these lies before it is too late to maintain our collective sanity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the truth Deni. There are a lot of lies and a lot of truth out there. Striking the baance is quite difficult. Not all the facts are being made available.
The veracity or falsehood will only come to light five years down the line.
We'll wait and see.