Friday, May 05, 2006

Schlongue Part Nineteen

My wife called to me “Honey, bring your journal in for me to read.” It is 9 hours later. During that time, after I had caught my journal up, my thoughtful and concerned Doctor wife ministered gently to my wounds, cleaning them, washing them, sterilizing the cuts, then wrapping my cock head to speed healing. As soon as the salt was gone, the ragged cuts didn’t hurt too badly. Just a low grade throb remains. She put some sort of salve on my cuts, and that really helped a lot.

She has then allowed me to sleep most of the day away. She pumped me full of aspirin so that I could rest, just in case.

I had gingerly walked into her bedroom, half expecting to find another man in there with her.

She is now fully dressed, and as usual looks spectacular. I hand her my journal. “Would you please fix me some tea please honey?” She looks at me through upraised eyebrows.

“Sure sweetie. Thanks again for cleaning my cuts.”

After she had read my diary, she looked up at me over her reading glasses and said, “I bought you a deep sea fishing trip for tomorrow, honey.”

Cool! “Thanks sweetheart.”

“I’m sorry things got out of hand for you last night, baby. But I am really proud of how you maintained your cool. Your friends all admitted they were beside them selves with lust last night. They were very turned on by your body, but frustrated by not being able to have you. They all apologized except for the one with that poochy stomach.”

Pooch is still pissed, I guess.

I turn to gingerly retreat to the kitchen area in the suite. My cock sways as I walk. I am careful not to allow it to hit anything.

“I’m not going, so you’re on your own, honey.” I try to contain my suspicion for why she is not going. I decide not to allow myself to sabotage my enjoyment of my fishing trip.

I bring the tea back into her. She looks up and has the most peaceful smile on her face.

“Honey, you are really good at his journaling. I love that you record your true emotions here in your journal. It allows me to track what you are really feeling.” She stretches up to give me a kiss as I lean over to set her tea on the table beside her. Her lips are soft, warm, and friendly. She rewards me with her wonderful feminine softness. My eyes tear in gratitude.

“Interesting that I noticed the same thing you did about the woman you called Pooch. Now I understand why she didn’t apologize. She is feeling too guilty.”

She smiles lustfully at me. “God it turns me on to watch you suck yourself off! You are truly one of a kind, sweetie!”

“Would you like to go for dinner, Hon? I am really hungry.” I ask hopefully.

“Sure Babe. Let me change my shoes.”

We dine at a new restaurant that specializes in Paella. I discover that I love Paella.

My gorgeous wife is still with me as we return to the hotel. My eyes tear as we enter the suite and she turns to kiss me on my lips.

“I am looking forward to sleeping together tonight, Honey.”

I thank my lucky stars for this night of being with my wife.


The alarm goes off way to early, but the realization that I am headed to a fishing trip goads me out of bed. I gently raise her left leg to free Big John from between her legs. I notice that her hand has been cradling the wrapping on my cock head. I tear up as I kiss her softly on her forehead. I realize that she really does care about me.

My cheeks are going to get chapped if I don’t stop all this crying.

“Buy sweetheart, have fun.” she mumbles, turning on to her stomach.

I smile and realize that I am doing good already today.


My fishing trip was fantastic. I caught the biggest beauty on the boat, and spent most of the day reeling the monster in. My arms, back and legs got a proper workout. My body feels great after the prolonged strenuous exercise.

We dine again at the Paella restaurant. We sleep together again that night. I could really get used to this. She fits perfectly against my stomach between my crotch and chin when we snuggle in the nestled spoons position.

I tongue her to a blissful orgasm. She rewards me by allowing me to suck myself off. Breakfast arrives right on time. We eat on the balcony watching the seagulls and hired help alter the beachscape.

Looking out to sea, she murmurs “Honey, I’ve made an appointment for us at 1:30 today. We need to take a car. The concierge says the trip is about an two and a half hours. Do you feel like driving us, or should we hire a car?”

Her asking me my preference is a distinct change from her normal mode. A little bell tinkles in my happy cobwebs. “Driving sounds fine baby.”

“If we get going soon, we could drive along the coast. Sound good?”

“Sure honey, I can be ready in a half an hour. Is that soon enough?”

“Sounds perfect babe,” she replies with a secretive smile.

Something is wrong. We almost sound like a normal honeymooning couple.

The drive is beautiful. Perfect weather, sun on the water leaving sparkles in the wake of the pelican and terns. I could definitely get used to this.

A few hours later, we pull up in front of a four story building signed with BIOMODS. I have never heard of it before. We are met at the big shiny highly polished stainless steel oversized front door by a tanned and handsome man in a white lab coat. He takes my wife’s elbow and guides her to their conference room. I follow at a respectful and, honestly, reticent distance. The room is full of people, all in white lab coats. I notice DR. in front of a number of their names. The little warning bell changes from a tinkle to bong. Will my oversized cock survive the day?

My wife is introduced all around. All of the people seem incredibly impressed by her, as if they already know all about her.

The lights go down, and medical pictures appear on a silently lowered wall screen. The presentation is impeccable. The presentation is about the erectile process of the human male.

Bong!!!!!!!!!!! Bong!!!!!!!!!!! Bong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The lights come back up, and everybody turns toward me. The presenter asks if I am the present subject. Present? Subject?

My wife turns to look at me. She is suddenly coolly professional. “Please remove your clothes, honey.” My impression is that my wife is staring at me like I am an ant under a microscope.

Remembering my contract and potential consequences, I comply, recalling her stern warning on our flight to this “Paradise”. The reason she removed the dressings from my penis is now perfectly clear.

I hear the women suck in there breath as I lower my trousers and John dangles on his leash. The men lean forward in ‘clinical interest.’

My wife stands and walks to me. She takes John by the cord clipped into the cock ring hole, and holds him up with one hand while pointing to a location on his lower base. She explains that this is the “target location.”

Oh God, My cock is coming off today! I feel slightly faint.

The look of shock is obvious on my face, but she does not look up at me while she talks. During a pause, one of the doctors asks her if I am aware of the procedure.

My wife looks at him and replies in a somewhat aloof tone that I have no idea what is about to transpire.

I have a damn good idea, and am having trouble controlling my bowels.

Staring rather clinically at my blanched white face, he remarks “May we assure him that you are not discussing amputation?”

My wife looks at me and smiles that smile that says ‘Gotcha, babe!’

I visibly sigh with relief. I instantly weigh three tons less. My bowels stop pressing for relief.

Then my mind begins to worry about other, alternative possibilities.

My wife turns back to her work. Pointing at the base of ‘her’ cock again, she says “We’ll implant the stimulators here, here, and here. One for each column. We’ll run the antenna up and around along this line.” She takes a marking pen and draws a dotted line that curves around my shaft three times while traversing spirally from the bottom to the top of my shaft.

The presenter says “We have developed two types of antennas. One is smooth, basically a coated wire. The second has small nodules that function as amplifiers. The nodules are spaced about a half inch apart.”

“May I see an example of each, please?” My wife is clearly in control here.

The presenter motions at one of the female white coats. She gets up and leaves the room. My wife and the white coats chit chat about medical stuff that makes no sense to me.

The young lady comes back into the room with a long wire with little balls attached all along its length. My wife takes the wire and wraps it around ‘her’ cock along the line she has drawn on his shaft. She runs her finger along the wire, feeling the little balls attached to it.
She nods peremptorily. “This will be fine.” She hands it back to the white coat.

The presenter gets back up. The lights go down again. He points to a new picture of a man’s balls on the screen. “For ejaculation control, the embedded wires must be attached here and here.” He points to the place where a man’s balls hang from within the scrotal sack. “Testing has shown that this type of control works except under extreme stimulation. At some point, even the Ejaculation Control System can not be counted upon to stop the ejaculation process. The longest we have managed to control the ejaculation was two hours, thirteen minutes.”

“That will be satisfactory.” My wife relies. “When do you want to proceed?”

“We have reserved a surgery mod suite for this whole afternoon if you wish to proceed right away.”

WHOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAA guys, let’s talk about this a bit!

“The sooner the better, lets do it now” she flippantly replies!

Silently I plead ‘Honey, lets think about this a bit longer before you modify this body of yours!’

My wife leads me by the strap on my cock ring as the white coats file out of the room.

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