Copyright Deni Wom and Doni 2005
[Author’s acknowledgement:
The information used for the sermon contained in this part seven is largely taken from a book written by Philo Thelos entitled “Divine Sex”. The book is a treatise on Biblical sex, what the Bible REALLY says about sex. I highly recommend it to my readers.]
Edward awoke to again find himself with aching testicles. In fact his whole groin area was nothing but a pulsing pressure mass of aching throbbing. He ached all the way up inside his anus, almost to his waist. Groggily he stood up, wavering back and forth until he placed his hand on the wall beside him to steady himself, his other hand clamped to his pulsing forehead.
He heard a voice behind him. A comforting hand was placed on his shoulder. Deaconess Elja patted him gently, then lovingly rubbed his shoulder and back. He turned to look at her, confused as to where he was and what in the world was happening to him.
“Edward, the service is starting. You can watch it in the video display there beside you.” She turned him toward the TV screen where a tall, broad-shouldered man was walking toward a pulpit in the auditorium.
The man had a regal elegance and stately bearing. His vibrant skin was extremely dark, almost midnight black. He was dressed similarly to the rest of the congregation in a satiny cloth that had an opening for his head and neck, then flowed down his front and back, and was slightly tied together on the sides. As the man walked, Edward could not help but notice the huge bouncing protrusion that seemed to precede the big man as he strode along. Edward’s mouth fell open as he realized what the protrusion was. ‘My GOD, his cock is HUGE!’ was all that Edward could think about. His eyes stared, locked on the man’s hugeness, in utter disbelief.
Suddenly Edward recognized him as the man whose face was on the computer screen when he had caught his wife with that huge dildo completely inside her. So it was THIS man’s penis whose likeness had so totally filled his wife’s body, made her smile with such happy satisfaction as she rode it up and down.
Deaconess Elja murmured in Edward’s ear that the pastor’s attire was an “Ephod”. She explained that should Edward wish to become a member of the congregation, and pass all of his tests, and be voted into membership, he would also be allowed to wear an Ephod. Edward’s eyes were totally transfixed on the pastor’s bulge, rollicking obscenely as he walked toward the pulpit.
Deaconess Elja whispered “That man’s name is Pastor Syh. You will just love him when you meet him. Your wife certainly enjoys him!” She chuckled softly at her little observation.
Pastor Syh turned to face the congregation with a huge warm friendly smile on his face. His eyes surveyed the assembled members of the Church of Great Joy. It was as though each person there was personally acknowledged by his insightful wise eyes as they roved among his parishioners. Even Edward felt personally included in the Pastor’s visual dispensation of grace.
The Pastor took a deep breath, then his deep resonant voice filled the church. “Brothers and sisters, today is a wonderful day in all of our lives.”
The church responded as one with a hearty “AMEN!” Edward felt drawn-in as he listened to the incredibly mesmerizing voice of the pastor.
“Today we will not only celebrate a beloved sister in her consummation, but we have with us the other half of our own Esther.
“And to today, to celebrate that occasion, we will recount the tale of Esther. Today we will all welcome her husband, making him feel welcome. We will plant the Rose of His Beginning, and we will all watch it grow. I believe it will become one of the most prolific rose bushes in our Sacred Rosaria. I am happy to report his contribution toward its initial fertilization was most satisfactory.”
The congregation responded with a spontaneous chorus of “Allelujahs”.
Deaconess Elja patted Edward on the shoulder in congratulations. She whispered in his ear “They are talking about you, baby! So far you are doing really good! Pastor just said so! Congratulations!”
Edward could not help but feel a swell of pride, even though he had NO CLUE what he had done to deserve any praise.
The pastor then asked the congregation to turn in their Bibles to the book of Esther, just before the book of Job and just after the book of Nehemiah. As the rustle of pages being turned filled the sanctuary, Pastor Syh continued.
“Esther was a young, . . . . . VERY good looking, . . . . one could even say “sexy and gorgeous”, . . . . woman that was a Jewess in a foreign land during a time when being a Jew was not such a great thing to be.
“The Jews had been conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar when Jerusalem was destroyed. The king at that time was King Ahasuerus, also called “Xerxes the Great” in OUR history books. He ruled one hundred and twenty seven provinces in what we now call the Middle East. Xerxes had captured and brought a Jewish man named Mordecai, along with the King of Judah and many other Jews, back to Babylon to serve him. Mordecai the Jew served in the palace of Xerxes.
“Now, Mordecai had taken a female cousin into his own household, adopted her, and was raising her as his own daughter. She was an orphan, her mother and father being dead.
“The name of this striking young woman was Hadassah. The bible calls Hadassah . . . . Esther, . . . . and tells us that she was a “beautiful and lovely young” woman.
The Bible also tells us that Xerxes was a man who knew how to throw a party. The party in question lasted for SIX MONTHS! Can you imagine a party lasting six months?” Pastor Syh shook his head in amazement.
“Not only that, but King Xerxes had brought all his governors, and his aides, and his army officers in from his provinces to attend this party. A huge party indeed!
“Now, not only did he throw a six month party for all these dignitaries, when the six month party was over, he threw ANOTHER party! This one was for the palace servants and officials, such people as the janitors and cabinet officials. I always chuckle when I read the sequence that the story teller lists the party attendees.” Pastor Syh chuckled his deep-throated resonant chuckle as the congregation caught onto his innuendo and joined in his good natured mirth.
“This second party lasted only a week. Seems like a long party to us, but remember, the previous party had lasted half a year!
“This was a second party just to thank the people that put on the big six-month party, . . . . . sort of to tell the help that he appreciated their efforts, so to speak.
“Now King Xerxes, at the beginning of the book of Esther, at the time of these parties, had wife. Her name was Vashti. Queen Vashti was renowned for her beauty. She must have really been something, because even after Xerxes, in his foolish, pride-driven spite, banished her from his court, he still missed her terribly.
“Now verse eight tells us that the King was sharing his royal wine with all his guests at this thank you party. And at THIS party, even the wine was the “special stuff”, not the common, everyday watered-down variety.
“It must have been pretty powerful wine, because the Bible tells us that the King had admonished his officers not to force anyone to drink too much of it, but that they were to allow each person to decide just how drunk they wanted to get on the King’s special wine. Although the Bible is not totally clear on this, it is assumed, based on local customs of the time, that only men were attending this party with Xerxes. This belief is reinforced by the fact that in verse nine it tells us that Queen Vashti was, at the same time, throwing her own party for the women.
“On the last day of this week long party, the King was feeling good, half drunk the Bible says, and in his euphoria ordered the keepers of the King’s harem to bring his beloved Queen Vashti to his party and show her off to his male guests. She was to have her royal crown in her head, and let all the men ogle her striking and memorable beauty. The original text infers that the Queen would wear ONLY her crown. Therefore the men would be seeing Queen Vashti’s body in all its naked perfection and erotic glory.
“Think about that! These servants would see the Queen of their great nation, the Queen to whom they answered daily, obeyed and relied upon for guidance in order to do their daily tasks, NAKED before them like a common dancing girl. The inference is that she would actually be a part of the last night of entertainment, dancing nude before them to titillate them, and make them envy King Xerxes, her lucky husband.
“We are all familiar with belly dancing. Picture the regal, gorgeous, stately Queen Vashti being ordered to belly dance, . . . . naked, . . . . in full view of all her serving people.
“Well, you might be rather sympathetic to her reaction. She told the King that she was not going to do it!~ NO WAY!
“Well! That really upset the King! He was so irate that he asked his lawyers what he could do to save face. See verses thirteen through fifteen.
“In the end, his lawyers told him to pass a law saying Queen Vashti was no longer his Queen because of her refusing her husband’s command, and she could never again be in King Xerxes presence. The purpose of this was to send a message to all of the nation, clearly establishing that all wives were to obey their husbands in all things.
“His lawyers advised him to then choose another queen.
“The Bible does not mention it, but history tells us that King Xerxes then went on a royal rampage throughout the Middle East, and had a huge war. After finally losing to the Greeks, he returned to Babylon and started brooding over his beautiful, lost Vashti.
His friends felt sorry for the poor King, and suggested that he allow them to go throughout his empire and find all the best looking women and bring to him, and from them to choose another queen. They promised to bring them back and treat them to beauty treatments for six months and then let the king enjoy them, each of them, in his bed for one night of sexual trials and judging. Then, after he decided which was the most sexually pleasurable, best looking, and easiest to be with woman in the land, he could choose the one he liked best to be his new Queen.
“Now, how could any vain, insecure man not accept that ego building proposition? The King would get to have sex with all his empire's beauties, one after another, until he had found the one that he liked best in bed. Each of the women that were brought to him were automatically put into his harem, so he could recall them and be with them again later if he so chose. These chosen women were all pampered, and given the best of care. And one by one, the King took them to his bed and sexed with them all night long. A different beautiful woman every night would be brought to his bed solely for his sexual pleasures.
“Think about it now! The King was having sex with a different woman very night. He was experiencing each of the women’s sexual abilities and testing their willingness to please him sexually. So to even be memorable among the bevy of beauty queens, you had to be mighty good in the sack, so to speak.” Pastor smiled broadly as he mentally pictured the nightly pleasuring that had occurred.
“We have all heard, and probably said, that ‘The Lord works in mysterious ways.’
“Well, here, in this story, God, in God’s infinite understanding of things, sets up a sequence to save a whole spiritual nation, the Jewish nation, precious in God’s sight. God, . . . . perfect in all things, . . . . deliberately uses a night of unbridled sex between an unmarried, virgin women, and a married hedonistic foreign man, to accomplish God’s perfect purposes. God deliberately has a virgin woman sleep with King Xerxes, giving her the natural, uninhibited ability to seduce the King so wondrously that King Xerxes is totally enamored with her, and makes her his new Queen.
“After only one night of glorious sex with this young woman, King Xerxes makes Esther his Queen.
“Can you each imagine being that good at sex? We should all strive to emulate this in our own lives. We should all strive to be the very best at sex we possibly can. God has given us our bodies, created, as we all know from the book of Genesis, like God. Notice if you will that Genesis, chapter 1, verse twenty seven, says that God made man and maid like God. GOD made us like GOD!
“And then in verse twenty eight, God gives the VERY FIRST commandment to mankind. Let’s read it together.
“And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be Fruitful and multiply . . . . . !”
Pastor Syh looked up at the congregation, his eyes roving from person to person. The dramatic pause riveted the attention of everyone there on what he was about to say. Edward found himself leaning forward, waiting to learn the wonderful truth that Pastor Syh was leading up to.
In a voice that was barely audible, causing each ear in the church to strain in order to hear, Pastor Syh said “God’s very first commandment to mankind was to have glorious sex and make babies!”
He paused again, to drive his point home. “Is each of you having sex? Is each of you following God’s FIRST sacred commandment to mankind? Is each of you following the beautiful, God given poignant example of Esther, hand chosen by God to save God’s beloved Jewish nation by having sex so wondrously perfect and fulfilling that King Xerxes immediately knew she was the chosen one?
“I charge EACH of you with God’s first commandment: Have sex and have children. To do that, you must learn to HAVE, . . . . and ENJOY, . . . . sex, a God created and God given institution of nurturing love.”
Pastor Syh closed his Bible, then turned from the pulpit and walked to his chair.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
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