Sunday, November 20, 2005

Women's Predispostion to Sexual Encounters

You asked me:

A. How does a man sense when a woman would be open to this type of activity [being taken by a stranger]?

B. Is this activity [being taken by a stranger] most likely to happen when a woman is on vacation?

C. Is there something about being away from home, being among strangers and not having to face these men every day that allows a woman to be more sexually adventurous?

To the best of my understanding:

A. I would think a man that is sensitive to a woman would see some slight embarrassment at her private thoughts, a slight flushing of her cheeks, maybe of her breasts, a furtive glance at what she is fantasizing about perhaps (his crotch). Her eye contact may either become much more direct and assertive or more shy and down-cast. Depending on her level of inhibition, she may either become suggestive in her body language or totally shut down, shoulders hunched to hide her breasts (the sexual signature of a woman). She may glance down furtively to see if her nipples are giving her away. If you can dance with her, and you're sensitive to her body's heat signature, you would detect an elevated radiance from her groin.

B. Yes, I believe the activity would be more likely to happen on vacation, or if her mate is verifiably out of town for a week or so. Most women are programmed to protect, at all costs, the security and protection that a man provides. Our perception is that IF we fuck around, we put our security, and the security of our children, at risk. Millennia of experience has predisposed us to believe this. But when in foreign lands, such as the next tribe over in the valley three miles away, we are also predisposed to accept the genes of the dominant male in that tribe, to further diversify the gene pool of our offspring. The more diverse the gene pool of our offspring, the more apt our own genes are to survive.

And in the end, it is the survival of genes that carries the predispositions of the human species. So the woman that would willingly accept the advances of the dominant stranger is more likely to have her own genes survive. Make sense?

C. I think that the sense of unfamiliarity would have to be balanced by a sense of security for a woman to become a wanton slut. Most women have some sense of a vague desire to experience a "loving rape". But when the real prospect comes up, we are scared out of our minds and suffer horribly for it. I believe that is because "rape" in reality is not an act of sex, but an act of hatred. Innately women know that. So I believe that what most women fantasize about is an extremely dominant man that overpowers our inhibitions and fucks us to the most glorious orgasm of our most prurient fantasies. That is certainly not rape. That is domination. The more submissive we are, the more we respond to that type of erotic story. An extremely dominant woman, or a woman that hates men (and there are a lot of women out there that hate men with every fiber of their being) would not normally have these fantasies. Their fantasies are more about dominating men, causing them discomfort, pain, or worse. You would be surprised how many women, in their heart of hearts, fantasize about either castrating a man, or owning a man that is castrated and pliable to their further periodic tortures. And their fantasy tortures do NOT involve sex or orgasm (for her or for him), but rather inflicting extreme pain to the male genitalia, or psyche.

I hope this gives you insight into how I see the world around me.

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