> Deni
> I would have sent this on Mind Candy but we are
> supposed to stay apolitical
> and I’m done joining blogs.
> There is enough blame to go around but how and where
> were these victims to go?
> The average income of these people is 8000.00 a year
> Yes not a typo $8000.00 a year
> A lot of them were old and in failing health. They
> don’t have cars and depend on public transportation.
> Were Busses sent through these neighbor hoods? No!
> Were they told where to go and how they would be
> fed? No!
> You should be ashamed of yourself!
> Does Bush deserve all the blame? No! But to stay on
> vacation for days after the storm hit and sit on his
> ass and do nothing! He sure deserves a lot of the
> blame and I hope those thousands of dead haunt him
> for the rest of his life!
> Joe
Ashamed of myself? For pointing out that if you are not prepared for what mother nature sends at you, you die?
Come on Joe, if you are in the woods and Mother Nature sends you a hungry cougar, who's fault is it if you did not take a gun, or a spear, or a bow and arrow?
See, Mother Nature has more power than the government does.
Now as for blaming the people that died? If people do not take care of themselves, then THEY are responsible for what happens to them. If a person is enough of an idiot to build a house on a cliff that is crumbling, it is no ones fault but theirs if the cliff crumbles, and kills them and ruins their house.
That is why I have said that the storms crossing Florida are different than New Orleans. They KNEW in New Orleans that they were below sea level. They KNEW that the levees were old. They KNEW that the Corps of Engineers had said the levees would only hold up under a category THREE storm.
They KNEW Joe, but they did not leave. They trusted in government, and the government is a slow, bulky, expensive, non responsive monolith. If they are that unable to protect themselves, then Mother Nature removes them. That is called cleansing the Gene pool. Mother Nature does it in the wilds every day, all day. Wolves take down the slowest game. The strongest Bull Elk is the only one fucking the cows. Etc, etc, etc.
If you trust in government, then when Mother Nature has her little temper fit, YOU WILL DIE.
NOW . . . . I am not BLAMING them as in saying they SHOULD have died, I am holding them responsible for not taking responsibility for their own lives.
If they had, they would be alive. This was NOT an ACCIDENT. This was coming for decades. They were BORN knowing this would happen. Yet they did nothing to be ready. So they died, or lost their house and stuff. That is life . . . . . and the reason many people die. I wish it had not happened to them. But Mother Nature does not care about that.
Be warned.
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