Thursday, October 15, 2009

Racial McCarthyism

I am so tired of the racial McCarthyism that is running rampant right now in our country. Any person that is NOT black cannot even speak regarding ANYthing that could POSSIBLY be twisted or stretched to POSSIBLY be meant to be denigrating.

I have listened to so many misconstrued, misquoted, made up crap in the last six months that I am about to puke!

Sorry if this sounds like sour grapes, but good god! I have watched friends that do not have a racial bone in their body accused of horrendous stuff. And once it gets out there, it is too late to stop it from ruining people's lives.

It is no different than some angry woman accusing an innocent male of something that is illegal. If a woman says it about a man, the law takes it as truth. And that male's life is then ruined!

This is insanity!


Thunder said...


You have found the phrase I've been searching for to describe what is going on in DC.


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like proof of my comment! I state an opinion and I am called a racist! Thank your ofr irrefutably proving my point!

Anonymous said...

Good one Deni, I agree with the basic message of your statements. I think it's also about time we start to talk seriously about certain religious extremist ideaology, maybe we can head off the next Ft. Hood terrorist strike, or 9-11 horrors. This can be done without trampling religious freedom. Pesonally, I am sick and tired of Islam being used as cover to kill innocent AMERICANS.